My son

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Hades Pov

"Dad wake up we need to get school supplies"

"Ok let me get dressed"

Me, Mort, and dad(Severus) got to are first to get me a trunk.

Trunk guy

"What are you looking for."

Hades pov

Were looking for a 7 compartment trunk which includes a bedroom and bath, a kitchen, library, closet, Potions room, and office. I also want a password on each trunk. Add protection wards to.

Trunk Guy

That would be 200 Sickles and it be ready in 4 hours.


1 Galleon = 1000 Dollar
1 Sickles = 50 Dollars
1 knut = 5 Dollars

Hades pov

We go get are school books next. After that we went to Knockturn alley to get dark books

Severus Pov

"Hades your just like your mom. When she came here for the first time she got 300 hundred books. You got 800."

Hades Pov

"hehe" we got to a wand shop in knockturn ally to get my wand. Dads said the wand shop and Diagon Alley is sketchy.

We walk an and a man comes out of nowhere.

Wand man Pov

"I'm assuming your here for a wand"

"Yes sir"

"Follow me"

Hades pov

We follow him and we come into an are were wand stuff is.

"Use your magic to pick a core"

I use my magic to pic a core and wood.

Wand Guy Pov

"Your wand has elder wood it a powerful wood not loyal thought. You also chose alder wood which is loyal so it makes up for it. Its suitable for advance wizards and witches. It also suited for non verbal spells."

"Your core is Phoenix feather. Its capable of long range magic and most who have this core os initiative.

"The second core is Whomping Willow Sap.  It resemble secrecy and knowledge. It's an extremely hard core to master as it doesn't like taking orders, so it's usually in the hands of strong-willed and firm wizards."

"And finally is Acromantula Venom. This core is a core owned by natural born leaders, who are fair yet strict. It picks those who value family or comrades."

"These cores don't go good together so im going to need some blood"

"This all together will cost 10 Galleons. Be back in 5 hours.

Hades pov


give him some of my blood. And then we leave. We go get clothes. We go to muggle shops.

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