Chapter 2

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Bo Saixi sighed, it was 6 years since Hai Ling died, 6 years since Ning Ruyan was left in her care. It was a painful anniversary and she didn't intend to do anything to make it worse. 

"Aunt!" came a energetic cry, it was Yu Ruyan, running up to her.

Bo Saixi caught her as her momentum carried her farther than needed. Yu Ruyan was still young and didn't understand the meaning of the day.

Bo Saixi decided to change Ning Ruyan's name. The options were Yu Ruyan and Hai Ruyan, Ning Ruyan had chosen Yu Ruyan because it sounded better. 

"Ruyan, be careful," she chastised her. Yu Ruyan shrugged and inspected her nails indifferently.

"We are going to awaken your spirit this afternoon."

That caught her attention. 

"So soon?" asked Yu Ruyan.

"Don't you want to know you spirit?" asked Bo Saixi. 

Yu Ruyan pouted, "Of course I do."

"Then we'll do it today" said Bo Saixi.

Yu Ruyan was left with no choice, "Fine." She agreed.

Later in the day...

It had been a long time since Bo Saixi had personally awakened a spirit. But...this was her niece she was talking about. She would make an exception. 

Yu Ruyan skipped in in a blue dress smiling happily.

Bo Saixi looked at her in suspicion, "What did you do?"

Yu Ruyan stopped, a sly smile was on her face, "Nothing, nothing."

The thing she was smiling about was revealed when the Seahorse Douluo (Ou Ya) walked in in a freaking seahorse costume.

Mean while, Yu Ruyan has started giggling, even Bo Saixi had to laugh (ahem, and by that I mean to turn up the corners of her lips and make a sound similar to laughing.)   

Ou Ya just grumbled.

"Ok, Yu Ruyan get in the circle."

6 stones formed a circle with Bo Saixi fed it soul power.

Yu Ruyan gave a last laugh and stepped into the circle.

Yu Ruyan rose up into the air as the ceremony started, tiny dots of golden light appeared. Millions of then, no billions. 

 The Sea god palace rumble and shook as something powerful unlocked.

Yu Ruyan opened her right hand, a girl appeared behind her. She looked exactly light Yu Ruyan except with eyes of the ocean and water for hair. The features on the girl was enhanced too, making her look even more pretty. The girl was dressed in a dress of what seemed to be mermaid scales, with a crown of shells on her head. In her hand was a crystal scepter trident. 

Bo Saixi gasped, " You have her spirit, the..."

"The Amphrotrite spirit/ Sea Goddess Spirit." 

(I really thought of leaving it hear but alas...)

A beam of golden light erupted from her, rising to the sky in a ring of runes. The people, the creature of Sea god Island all as one, sank to their knees.

After a few minutes, she withdrew the spirit. On her left hand, she felt something too. Curious, she opened her left hand. A dazzling pagoda blossomed, it rose 10 levels. 

Bo Saixi stared at her, "Not only do you have a legendary High Class God level spirit, you also have a spirit in the myths, the Ten Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, with 10 levels!" she exclaimed.

"What's the difference?" asked Yu Ruyan.

"The difference is that one is ,more powerful and capable of attack with defending and supporting," chimed in Ou Ya.

Yu Ruyan just shrugged indifferently.

"How can you just shrug?!?!?!?! You hav-"

"Shush," chided Bo Saixi, "We still need to test her spirit power."

Yu Ruyan shrugged again and placed her hand on the testing ball, it cracked, blinding them with light.

"You have Innate 20 soul power, with is no that surprising considering you have a high god level spirit." Concluded Bo Saixi.

Ou Ya just stared.

Hope you enjoyed it! Oh yeah, poor Ou Ya...

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