Chapter 4

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"Hmm? Oh, my mother gave it to me when I was a baby, both of parents are dead now," she said sadly.

"Who is your mother?" asked Ning Fengzhi.

"Hai Ling and Ning Yan, why?" at this point she had stopped eating.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes widened, "You're my niece."


She sighed as she went through all the papers, it was hard work sorting through all of the Spirit Master School to choose on to fit herself.

"You could always find my daughter, Rongrong and go with her, I heard she is going to enroll to a school called Shrek Academy," suggest her uncle, Ning Fengzhi.

Shrek Academy, where had she heard it before?

Then it clicked, Qin Ming, a promising soul master had been from that school.

"Maybe," she hummed, "but there is one more book to go through."

She opened the last book.

It read:

There are 6 elemental academies, Godwind, Blazing, Thunderclap, Botanic, and Atlantic Academy. 5 Academies are known today: Godwind, Blazing, Thunderclap, Botanic, and Skywater. The Atlantic academy is very secretive and need a letter of recommendation from Sea god Island to enter, or, in rare cases, if the person is a very, very , very, very, outstanding, they would be excepted. The Atlantic academy carries the honor of the Sea god and Sea Goddess, so naturally, they would be outstanding.

"Atlantic Academy," she murmured, "I'll ask Aunt to send a letter of recommendation for me."

She stood up and told Ning Fengzhi, "I have chosen the Atlantic Academy."

"Atlantic Academy," Ning Fengzhi looked thoughtful, "That would be a good academy but hard to get in."

"I know alright, but I'll ask Aunt to send a letter to them."


(Time skip)

The Atlantic Academy was located on an island in the middle of the sea. 

It was built completely from sea glass and pearls so it shone brightly. It was simply stunning and it took her breath away. The academy was more of an palace than anything, it had tall towers that rose more than 3000 meters off the ground. The ground in from of it was complete soft sand that shone gold. The aqua and teal sea complimented the sea glass towers. To the right was an lagoon and to the left was the ice towers. Towers covered with ice and snow. 

There was a pearl gate around it and a squad of a dozen guards and a leader were guarding the entrance. The leader was a girl, in a mermaid dress, she had a gold trident in her hand.

Yu Ruyan approached the gate curiously. 

"Stop," the girls sharp voice commanded, "What is your business here?" 

"I am Hai Ruyan," Ruyan stated, using her mother names, "Daughter of Hai Ling, my aunt Bo Saixi has recommended me to this academy."

"Prove it," she said.

Yu Ruyan sighed and the coral symbol on her head began to glow, she let out her spirit.

The sea seemed agitated by her spirit, rising to salute her,  4 rings, red, red, red, and red, rose from her feet.

The girl seemed satisfied and bowed, "Chosen one of Amphratrite, please follow me."

She pointed her trident at a nearby guard and gestured for him to take her place.

Inside the gate, was a pate made of crystal, flowers she had never seen before grew around the path. Students in uniforms of different ranks ran around, occasionally one would wave hi to the girl. 

"I am Pa Li," said the girl.

"Hai Ruyan," she said.

"I am the leader of the guards here, I am 20 years old, level 58 spirit master," said Pa Li, "In the Atlantic Academy, power, cunning, loyalty, and knowledge are what matters most. We never betray each other, and we are all sisters and brothers here. Because you are the chosen one of Amphitrite, despite of your power, you will automatically be on the team. Whether you will be the captain of our team or not, is completely up to you. You will be given a certain amount of authority. On the first day of school, you will be given a tour of the whole school. Understand?"

"Yes," at this point they had reached the entrance of the school. The pearl steps led up to a grand door completely made of coral. 

Inside was even more spectacular, the soft carpet was hand made and expensive tapestries lined the walls.

Pa Li led her to a door in front of them and knocked.

"Come in."

The headmistress was a woman in her 40s, and she could sense she was a Titled Douluo.

"This is Hai Ruyan, chosen on of Amphrotrite," Pa Li introduced.

"Thank You Pa Li, now can you leave us alone for a while?" asked the woman kindly. 

Pa Li nodded, her blue hair swishing as she left. 

"You are Yan'er Saixi has always talked about?"  asked the woman curiously.

"Yes, Aunt has never told me about you before," said Yu Ruyan.

"Have a seat my child," she said warmly.

The couch was very comfortable.

"In truth, Saixi is my sister," she said.

"What?" asked Yu Ruyan surprised.

"Yes, that would make me your aunt to, wouldn't it?" asked the woman, "You may call me Aunt Lisa."

Ruyan nodded.

"Can you tell me your spirit rank now?" asked Lisa. 

"Level 39," she quickly said.

"Needing a ring soon?" asked Lisa.

"Yes," said Ruyan, "But I would be going back to the island for my ring."

"Ah yes, now let's get to the matter at hand, your rank will be automatically lifted, and here is your uniform, you don't need to wear the uniform in school, just when there is an event that need it."


Her room was in the Silver Towers, she had a room shared with another girl named Yang Hua, 3 years older than her, and level 37, this was because her spirit power was 9 at 6 years old but her rings are top quality.

"You must be Ruyan right?" asked the girl.

"Yes, and you are Yang Hua?"

Yang Hua giggled, "Just call me Sister Hua or Hua'er, can I call you Yan'er?" 

She shrugged and collapsed onto the bed, "Sure, I'm just so tired."

"You are in the class as me, also, I need to inform you that there is a tour tomorrow."

"I know, but I just want to sleep," Yu Ruyan said.

"Alright sleep all you want, but eat dinner first silly," Yang Hua tugged at her hand and made Ruyan follow her to the door.

Yu Ruyan grumbled but followed, Yang Hua would be annoyingly annoying, she just knew it. 

The Amphitrite of Sea God Island (Douluo Dalu fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now