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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄, the landline instantly began ringing. she let out an exhausted sigh at the high-pitched tone. "god, man, all i want is my mtv!" dani expressed. her frustration heightened when she realized she couldn't even use the phone in the kitchen, and that it was the one in her bedroom that was receiving a call. the girl stomped into her room, threw her bag down next to her bed, and brought the phone to her ear. "yes?"

"dani!" a familiar, young voice exclaimed on the other end.

"oh, god. what now, mike?" the shaffer girl inquired, rubbing her temples.

"we have a break in the case."

within a matter of minutes, sheridan was back in betsy's driver side, headed to the wheelers' house for the second time that week; the most in nearly three years. as dani slowed into the concrete driveway, she was sure not to hit dustin or lucas's bikes that were inconveniently dropped by the mailbox. the girl snuck in through the back patio door, and up the stairs to mike's bedroom. there were the boys, and eleven, out of her fort and sat on mike's bed. once sheridan noticed her, she sent her a smile. eleven reciprocated. dustin and lucas did not have the same reaction.

"so what's this all about, huh?" sherrie questioned, placing her sunglasses atop her head and putting her hands in the back pockets of her bellbottoms.

"she knows about will," mike admitted. dani froze in shock.

"what do you mean she knows about will?" dustin inquired. it was the same question sheridan had had. mike dashed towards his dresser by the three of them, taking a picture of them winning the science fair last year in his hands. oddly enough, sheridan didn't remember that.

"she pointed at him, at his picture. she knew he was missing. i could tell."

"you could tell?" lucas asked, the anger and annoyance clear in his voice.

"just think about it: do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on mirkwood, the same place where will disappeared?"

"that is weird," dustin and dani mentioned in unison. lucas wasn't buying it.

"and she said bad people are after her. i think maybe these bad people are the same ones that took will. i think she knows what happened to him," mike theorized. that makes sense, dani thought to herself. she was only buying into mike's conspiracy more and more, to her own surprise.

"then why doesn't she tell us?" lucas quizzed. the room filled with silence; as much as they didn't want to admit it, everyone knew he made a fair point, even eleven. sherrie glanced at the girl, who had a glazed expression. tears pricked at eleven's eyes. "do you know where he is?" lucas interrogated the girl, stomping in her direction.

"lucas..." sheridan warned, following the boy. dustin and mike followed, too.

"do you know where will is?!" this time, lucas grabbed onto eleven's shoulders forcefully.

"hey!" dani yelled, prying the boy off of eleven. "putting your hands on her isn't gonna solve anything!" dustin and mike parted the way for the girl, who wrapped her arms around lucas's waist and lugged him away. he kicked and punched with all he could muster.

"we need to find will, and if she knows where he is, she needs to tell us!" lucas shouted, still attempting to escape dani's grip. "we need to take her to your mom!"

"no! eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger," mike informed the group.

"isn't dani an adult?" dustin innocently questioned.

"not technically, no, she's still 17," mike rushed out.

"danger?!" lucas breathed out, interrupting the side conversation.

"danger danger," mike added. he made a gun with his fingers and placed the barrel to dustin's forehead. the boy's eyes grew as wide as saucers; you would've thought he'd seen the devil.

"god, you look like you just shit a brick, dustin," sherrie laughed with lucas still in her arms.

"this isn't funny!" lucas cried, breaking free from dani while her guard was down. he stood up and swatted mike's finger gun away. "we're going back to plan a! we're telling your mom!" with that, lucas opened the door to begin storming out. before he could bail, the door slammed with great force. mike's action figures and science fair trophies jolted in their rightful spots. all four of their breaths hitched in their throats, the hair on the back of their necks standing stiff.

lucas tried the door again, only for the same outcome. sherrie watched as the lock twisted upright. they turned slowly toward the young girl behind them. blood dripped from her nose.


after a moment of silence, dani spoke up. "oh my god she has the force."

𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐔𝐄! ✽ 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now