Adding IRL Me!!!

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Henry: I vas bored, so I dragged mein IRL self into zhis story.

Emma: ... Why am I here?

Henry: I just said, I vas bored.

Emma: Uh, alright then...

Aaron is T-Posing with the Dempseys while Nikki and Nikolai are playing cards. Takeo and Takki are sharpening and cleaning their swords while Richtofen and Edward are talking science.

Only MotD are paying attention.

Sal: Well well well, a new face!!

Finn: Hi.

Billy: 'Ello, Emma.

Albert: 'Ave you read ma comics?

Emma: No, Al. I haven't because they don't exist in my universe. But I can now!!

Albery begins to squeal happily at this and drags Emma off to read comics.

Henry: Vell, zhere ve go. Boredom cured. Have ein nice night und do not forget to ask und dare us anyzhing!!

Henry bows and runs off to see Richtofen, leaving the audience alone.

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