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+Nothing gold can stay+


I wanted it to last. What the heck went wrong?

My favorite poem is one by Robert Frost: Nothing Gold can Stay.

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Unlike Ponyboy from the outsiders, I have my fair share of guesses as to what it truly means. I won't get into that today. Today I have a different story to tell. It's the story of yesterday night and how I ended up here, crying in bed, refusing to speak to anyone. However, we should start the beginning.

Yesterday morning.

I wake up early, feeling like dressing up a bit more today. I force myself to roll out of bed and decide to take a warm shower. I love showers.

I get out of the shower and finish getting ready. I end up wearing a beautiful green dress. My hair is pulled half up with a bow. I am out of the house by 7 o'clock and at school by 7:45. I had to drop Ash off this morning and I decided to get coffee on the way so that added an extra 35 minutes.

I arrive at school and head straight to my friends' normal table. I take a seat next to Alexander and rest my head on his shoulder. We engage in a normal conversation, laughing and talking.

"Are you ready for practice today, Lynny?" Rogelio asks, a stupid smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes, "Always!"

I startle when I feel a presence touching my head. However, I soon realize that its my lovely boyfriend.

"Mor-morning, my love," I smile, knowing he can't fully see it.

He kisses my head in response.

Then the bell rang and we went our separate ways. I had a good day in all my classes. At lunch, I had to stay in a class and take a makeup test. I finished off the day with Volleyball practice. Once finished, I saw that I had received a text from David.

He had told me to meet him at the park at 6. It was 5:45 already so I didn't bother going home to change. I went to the park and he was standing on the sidewalk.

That's weird.

I park my car and get out to meet him where he is standing. It's right next to his car.

I go to kiss him hello, but he backs away. It was then in which I fully realized the sour look on his face. I frowned, stepping back to give him space.

"What's up, lovely?" I whisper, fearing the worst.

"I think we should breakup." that was all he said. It was what I feared most.


"We should breakup. This isn't working. Sorry," he shrugs.

It takes everything inside of me not to breakdown, "Oh, okay! I wish you the best."

This isn't working? It was working this morning! What the heck did I do?

I turn around and get right back into my car before I get the chance to break. I drive home, and by the time I enter through the front door, my face is stained with tears. Mascara is pouring down my face and I can barely breathe.

When I enter the house, I was surprised to see my mum, Shayla, and Ash setting the table, preparing for dinner. Shayla and Ash see me first and their joyful smiles fade immediately. I pull my eyes off them, drop my bags at the door, and rush up to my room.

I lock the door behind me and fall onto my bed. I allow myself to pour all of my sadness into my pillow, dirtying it with my mascara. That's where we left off.

Ash bangs on my door, calling out for me to allow him to enter. I can't bring myself to move.

"Please, just g-g-go a-a-aw-away, Ash," I cry out.

I hear him slide down against my door. It warms my heart, just not enough.

I hear him get up, but he returns moments later. Suddenly, Lana Del Ray is playing at full volume.

'Take me to the finish line..'

It makes me laugh, enough to get out of bed and let him in. I lock it behind him as he pauses the music. Tears are still falling so I lay right back in bed and he just lays with me, rubbing my back.

"What happened, Lynny?" he mumbles.

"David broke up with me," I sniffle, turning to look at him. He wipes the mascara and tears off my cheeks.

"I'm so so sorry Lyn," he sighs, hugging me tightly. "I really liked him."

"Me too, Ash, me too."

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