(s1)side story 2: clothes

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Lucius laid on his bed in his barracks with his sister. It's been an entire day after the the festival was under attack. Lucius looked at the side of him and saw his two silver axes resting there on the wall. He had just discovered his own way of using electromagnetism to regain his weapons as if they're tethered to him.

Good thing he did learn it otherwise he would have had to get to the ground head to the ashes of the two ogre hounds from the attack on the festival and then dig up through their ashes and find the axes.

But he digress now today was simply a day of relaxing. Then Xander kicked Open Lucius's and Blossoms door. "Morning sleepy beans! time to get up!" Xander exclaimed. Lucius and blossom sat up with a groan.

"What the hell is it xander I thought we didn't have to go hunting today" Lucius said. "And why are you even calling me I'm not even part of the hunters" blossom added.

"Oh we're not going hunting we're going shopping to get you guys your new clothing!" Xander said as the two just looked themselves.

"What's wrong with our clothes?" Lucius asked. "You call those clothes! those are rags crusty Dusty very musty rags!" Xander exclaimed the answer. "....fine. but we're not going to enjoy it" Lucius and Blossom said in unison.

Our vision changes to that of the mall specifically the clothes district. We see Lucius looking at a bunch of shirts and pants as well as maybe some jackets.

He found nothing of interest so far until a black shirt with a purple sword had crossed his eye. He looked at it and then took it off the rack. "Hey Xander how much is this worth I'm not very used to your money system?" Lucius asked then I walked out to Lucius with blossom behind him. Xander looked over lucius's shoulder. "That would be $20.99. so 21 bucks. And it's a good thing I got my wallet with me and good thing I get rich from this Hunter thing." Xander said.

Lucius looked at him "wait we get paid?!" Lucius shouted in confusion. Xander nodded "yep every 5 months they send in a carrier goat with a letter that has at least $500 in it. However recently the goats started changing after a while specifically after the last two weeks were up but that was also during when you two were here." He spoke. Lucius sweated profusely after hearing the mention of the goats. "Wait what did happen to those goats cuz I know something had to happen to switch them out." Xander continued. Lucius continue to sweat profusely. "Well me and my sister may have may not have eaten the goats and maybe accidentally eaten the letters." Lucius said honestly

Xander just stared at him. He then face palmed.


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