(s3) the musketeers

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Johnson approached Zander and Lucius who were talking to two of the three females. "Oi Sup dipshits" Johnson said as the two males turn to him both raising their hands to greet him.

"Sup chili pepper" Xander said, of course he already had a nickname for Johnson and it's only been about almost half a year now since he met him. "I take it we're all going to be giving each other nicknames now?" Johnson asked xander, xander nodded. Johnson's sighed it's only been almost half a year but he already knows these two like a book he's read 50 times

"Anyway I'd like you to meet my girlfriend and her cousin and friend." Xander said smiling. Johnson looked at the three women and simply waved.

"Uh so who are you three" Johnson asked the three. "I'm Kira, the one pink red and pale vomit girl over there is cherry" Kira said. "HEY" cherry spoke up frowning. "And the gal who looks she has no soul is my cousin frosty" Kira continued.

The brunette waved Abit, she didn't seem souless but maybe it was just him. We see the six just chatting until we see a familiar black flame was headed to Johnson's head.

As if almost on instinct Johnson grabbed his sword and blocked the flame as fire engulfed gante.

We then see nemesis standing there, black flames engulfed his hands and feet. "Oh lovely if it isnt the last person I wanna see." Johnson said as Lucius and Xander turned to face nemesis.

"Who the hell is he's goofy ass" cherry asked. "In all honesty we have no idea but it might be a good idea for you three to get out of here" lucius suggested. Cherry nodded and simply grabbed Frost and Kira by their hands and booked.

"Now then ready for round two whoever the hell yo stupid looking self is?" Johnson asked. He was definitely a lot more confident.

Nemesis just stood there as if he was growing bored of this already. "Johnson I don't think he's actually taking us seriously" Xander said.

Before anything else could be said Nemesis simply lunge towards Xander and gut check them before then kicking him in the face sending him into the dirt.

And it was safe to say Xander was knocked the fucked out. You could say he was seeing Stars.

Then Lucius prepared his axes and grabbed onto Johnson and activated God speed. As the two turned into lightning they started encircling nemesis with Johnson momentarily turning back to land a slash on nemesis which only tore through his clothes.

Then Nemesis stuck out his arm catching Lucius and Johnson in his hand while they were still in lightning form causing Lucius to be knocked out of Godspeed as he then slammed both him and Johnson into the ground and kicked Lucius away as if he was a used rag doll.

Then Nemesis grabbed Johnson by the face and lifted him up. "what a waste of potential you truly are. You are a disgrace to your family name." He then races arm and then threw Johnson into the ground.

"When will you realize you are nothing but a PATHETIC CHILD TO ME!" Nemesis shouted as he planted his foot onto Johnson stomach.

He then grabbed Dante and grabbed the blade and started breaking it apart Piece by piece. He made sure to break it into even parts and Johnson was forced to watch it all eventually after gante was broken apart Nemesis simply put all the pieces in his hand and then charred them to Ash.

Johnson just laid there in pure emptiness. Then Lucius charged at nemesis in godspeed and then transform back into human swing is axes towards Nemesis mask but Nemesis caught lucius's arms and then sprained lucius's wrist. Lucius streamed out in pain as Nemesis let go of Lucius watching him fall to his knees in pure agony.

Even removed his foot from Johnson's stomach grabbed him by the face lifting him up again and then grabbed his arm.


Nemesis started to tug on to Johnson's arm

"are nothing"

Then Johnson could feel his arm dislocate from his elbow


Then we see flesh start to see tears in Johnson's skin

"ME!" Nemesis shouted as he tore off the forearm part of Johnson's arm watching his blood started to flow out of the gaping wound.

He didn't let go of Johnson's face as he fell to his knees clutching on to what was left of his right arm. Screaming as tears flowed from his eyes. He was in nothing but pure agony.


This is what I start to believe Nemesis has black Air Force energy.

Anyway rock until you drop, Tata fuckers 🤟


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