(s4) Bitter

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Kira felt the sand scratch against her shoes, just great, this was the last thing she wanted. First she had to deal with dating Xander and him Killing ogre beasts then they went to hell with some weirdly handsome demon guy and now she got her ass FLUNG by a ugly duck demon motherfucker, DANG IT!

Then she heard a groan as she turned to see jay face in the ground, ass in the air, he planted his hands onto the red sand and pushed himself up. "This is what I get for following Xanders moronic ass" jay said annoyed. He stood up and looked around and then looked at Kira as she waved at him.

"Who are you?" He asked as s he wiped off some sand on his face. "I'm Kira prince. Nice to meet ya" Kira spoke as she looked at him up and down. "So... Who are you?"  She asked as jay finished dusting off, "jay bolt. I'm friends with xander."  Jay said.

"Oh your Xanders gay as fuck ex, glad to see he didn't have a high bar" Kira said with a sly grin as jay scowled. "Let me guess your the bitch Xander met on tinder" jay retorted as Kira just glared at him.

Later the two were walking through the dessert as the two were talking about how they got to this point. "I got here because I didn't want Xander to die. Plus I needed a break from building, however I'm starting to regret that decision" jay spoke as he was dragging his feet through the sand.

"I get that, Im here for the same reason just without the mech part, plus my cousin and friend are going so might as well join em" Kira said as she was ahead of jay. "So your a follower?" Jay asked as Kira tilted her head confused. "What do you mean?" She answered with a question of her own as jay sighed and both stopped.

"A while back me and Xander talked about the types of people, eventually we managed to narrow it down to two types, leaders and followers, leaders are usually independent and think for themselves, followers are people who follow others because they feel like they have to." Jay answered as Kira responded with a "oh".

"Well I guess I'm a follower but then you are too huh?" She asked and Jay noded. "Then I guess we're kinda-" Kira spoke, "no, don't compare me to you, we are NOT the same" jay interrupted as he stamped passed Kira and kept walking forward.

Kira just sighed, maybe the others were handling this better. The two kept walking as Kira kept asking questions.

"So what's your favorite color?"


"What do you for a living?"

"Build Mechas and hunt ogre beasts"

"What your favorite food?"

"Chicago style hotdogs with nacho cheese on them instead of mustard."

"How many ex's have you had?"


"How old are you?"


"Why did you break up with Xander" Kira asked as jay and her stopped walking. "I don't wanna talk about it" jay answered as he started walking.

"So... How did you and Xander meet?" She asked as jay sighed. "We met at a restaurant, my date stood me up, he was looking for a drinking buddy, we talked for Abit, had some fine wine. we wound up in a closet making out." He answered as Kira was surprised.

"Wow.. I didn't expect your guys relationship to hit off immediately." She spoke as jay chuckled softly. "I have to admit he was Abit too much for me, constantly wanting affection and shit like that, but it was sweet." Jay spoke and look to the red sky. Suddenly the ground shook as a monster emerged from the ground.

It had long forward pointing horns that swirled. It was black in color and covered In scales, its mouth had a large overbite as two massive fangs were visible.

Jay immediately grabbed and started to run as he reached into his backpack and took a glove. He put it on and then let go of Kira and turned around.

"What are you doing?" Kira asked as the monster had chased them, jay clenched his as the glove grew larger and became a metal arm.

"This is what I call the ogre buster. This should work for the fugly" jay spoke as his back transformed into... WAS THAT A JETPACK?!

We hear a hum as jay soared into the air as blue flames erupted from the jetpacks exhaust. Jay crossed his arms as he floated above the creature, he grinned and brought down his goggles and dived at the beast.

He reeled his arm back and shouted to the top of his diaphragm. "BURNIN, COBALT, BLAST!". He then punched the beast in the chest sending it back as it tries to reach him.

Kira looked in awe as jay maneuvered around the beast landing punch after punch before almost landing the killing blow but then the beast batted them away as jay was sent fly before catching himself mid air as he groaned.

He noticed the beast reaching for Kira as jay flew at Kira and grabbed her as the two flew away but after a few miles Jay heard a rumble as the jetpack ran out of fuel as the two then fell face first into sand.

Kira groaned agitated as she pushed her face out of the sand as she spat out some of it. Jay flipped himself face up and sat up a wiped his clothes off.

"So... That plummeted to failure" jay spoke as Kira glared at him. "There is a time and place for puns, now ain't one of em dick-for-brains." She spoke annoyed as she stood up. "hey don't go insulting me just because you ain't with Xander" he retorted as Kira looked at him.

"Are you stupid? Do you think I went all the way here just because of Xander?!" She raised her voice at him as she planted her feet into the ground. "No duh, your more of his bitch than you are your own person!" He shouted as he started to fiddle with his gauntlet.

"Well guess what dumbass, I'm here not just because of Xander, I'm because of my cousin! I'm here because of my bestie! Because Lucius needs help! Because I'm their friend! I'm here because I wanted to be more than some big tit dumb bitch!" She stamped towards him and grabbed him by the shirt. She glared into his soul as he swore he was looking into the deepest pits of the abyss.

"So, why are you here? Are you here because of your friends? Your family? Anything significant to you?! Or are you just projecting onto me why your here?!" She continued as she then looked at jay as he started to get angry.

"You know what? Fine! Yes I'm here because of Xander! Im sick of watching him throw himself into threats! I'm mad! I just want him to be happy and safe! I just... I just want him back..." He spoke as his expression became somber. Kira let go of him as she just sighed.

"Look I get it...you still love Xander but he's moved on-" Kira spoke, "BULLSHIT! He can't just move on..... There has to be a reason why he's doing this stuff.  Why hes dating you! I know him! I know how he feels, how he acts... How he thinks... I know how he can be made happy..." Jay interrupted as Kira just looked at him, she put a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Jay... That Xander isn't the same as the current xander.. yes changed... He isn't being reckless or dating me as some way of dealing with a funk... Hes just Xander... He's a dumbass. And he's helping lucius because he's his best friend... And your Xanders friend aswell. But sometimes... You gotta let what was the intimate part of your lives haunt you... You'll find the guy for you... Infact I'll be your wing woman to help you out!" She spoke as she side hugged him.

Jay smiled Abit and nodded. He needed to move on, and maybe he can start after all this demon stuff.

Later the duo were still walking around before taking up shelter in a small cave of sandstone. And eventually the next day they wind up finding Johnson and Lance.


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK You guys have no idea how long this took me to write... Constant rewrites.. things getting in the damn way... But I've done it! I've released this god damn page.


now.... Now for the four idiots together and then the next duos... I have to go back just to check who I paired off for their own stories.... Oh god ;-;

Rock on till ya drop tata fuckers 🤟


nexus: Ogre Slayer Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant