ŧ Chapter 05 ŧ

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"So," Nezu started, looking at the picture of Zuku, of Vindicate, that sat on his desk. "You found out his identity and you want to... sign on as his guardian?" Aizawa nodded, hands clasped in front of him. "I see. That can be arranged, as long as Kokoro is alright with it since she is his godmother according to Inko's will."

"I just..." Aizawa sighed, burying his head in his hands as he thought back to the first time he had met the telekinetic user back in middle school.

"Hey, Zashi? Who's that?" a girl with beautiful green hair asked as she sat beside a blonde. The blonde hummed, turning to look at who the girl was referencing.

Huffing a soft laugh, Zashi turned back to the girl and grinned. "That, my friend, is my classmate, Shouta Aizawa. Why?"

"Just wondered," she replied. "Could you introduce him to me?"

"I don't see why not!" he smiled before getting up and heading over to his friend and getting his attention. "Hey, Aizawa! My friend wants to meet you!" Aizawa looked at him for a moment before nodding and following him to the young girl. "Inko, this is Shouta Aizawa. Sho, this is Inko Midoriya. She wanted to meet you!"

"Hi..." Aizawa said shyly. Although he was relativity comfortable with talking to Hizashi, he wasn't that comfortable talking to others that he didn't know that well.

"Hi!" Inko cheered with a bright grin. "I'm Inko, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Aizawa nodded, glancing away.

That was the first time he had met Inko, and the trio had grown close during their time in middle school. She had confessed to the two of them – him and Zashi – that she didn't want to become a hero like they did, especially not with her 'weak' quirk. She wanted to become a lawyer or a nurse. The trio unfortunately fell apart after Zashi and Aizawa went off to UA and Inko went off to Ketsubutsu Academy with her friend, Mitsuki, and their other friend, Kokoro. That's where she got closer him, the man who possibly had a hand in her death and whatever caused her to hurt her own child. That was where no one could save her, not even Kokoro.

"I just want the kid to be safe," Aizawa murmured, eyes slightly glassy as he continued to remember memories from middle school that Inko was in.

"And you think the boy will not be safe with Kokoro?"

"I do, but..." Aizawa groaned, leaning back slightly. "I trust Kokoro with my life, but I just don't think she knows how to handle a kid. She'll just spoil him rotten, and I know for a fact that Inko wasn't a huge fan of the woman when she was around children."

"But that was when you were in middle school, no?"

"Yes, but she's hardly changed. I wouldn't be surprised if Inko regretted putting Kokoro as the godmother after doing that." Nezu hummed before glancing down at the papers before him.

"I'll talk to Kokoro and see what she says about you taking guardianship over the boy," the chimera said before gesturing to the door. Aizawa bowed his head to the principal before heading out of the room and to the staff room.

"What did you and Nezu talk about?" Kokoro asked as soon as Aizawa entered. Aizawa ignored her, laying down on the couch and slowly falling asleep. "Huh? Why does Nezu want me in his office?"

"Dunno," Hizashi shrugged before returning to marking his papers. Kokoro shrugged and headed into Nezu's office, knocking before entering.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes!" nodded the chimera. "I wanted to talk to you about the guardianship of Izuku Midoriya." Kokoro's eyes narrowed at the mention of the guardianship of her godson. "It has come to my attention that you may not be right... fit as guardian of the boy."

"How did you come to that conclusion?!" Kokoro exclaimed, eyes wide. She was pissed. Inko had trusted her to raise the by if she died and not someone else, so why wouldn't she be the right fit?

"The way you act around certain children at times," Nezu stated. "You act... oddly around children at times, Kokoro. In fact, after today, you will no longer be employed at UA. Either you can leave peacefully, or I will have to forcefully remove you." Kokoro growled in anger at the principal, her snow leopard fangs appearing as well as her tail slashing back and forth. Glaring at the principal once more, Kokoro stormed out of the room and slammed the door. sighing, Nezu leaned back in his chair, glancing down at the picture of his friend's son. It's hard to imagine that Inko had a child without anyone knowing. Hell, did Hisashi Midoriya even know before he left for America? Nezu had no evidence that he did.

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