ŧ Chapter 11 ŧ

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"So you saw weird activity in this house?" Yokumiru Mera, the president of the hero commission, asked Hawks as he sat down with the heroes looking for Izuku and Kokoro. Hawks nodded. "I see... then that's where we'll begin. The house is at the edge of Esuha, so we'll be travelling there later today. I say 'we'; I mean those present in today's meeting hero wise. Hopefully we can get whoever's in that house out and safe or out and arrested." Nodding, they all began to read through the booklets they were given, explaining their role in the mission.

After an hour of reading, they were finally ready. Making their way to the cars which were going to take them to their destination, the heroes attending got in and began to head to the near abandon house at the edge of Esuha. Not much longer now, Zuku, I promise, thought Present Mic as they slowly approached the house. "Why must it look so creepy?" Eraserhead grumbled, the loud blonde shrugging in response as they got out. After a while the others appeared, Hawks standing in the front as requested by the commission. So the youngest of us are going to lead us into what could quite possibly be a life and death situation, depending on how desperately they want Izuku and Kokoro? Great.

After another twenty-minute brief, they began heading towards the building just as a group came out. "Is that... Is that Kokoro?" Midnight paused, heart freezing as she noticed that she was unscathed, unlike Izuku. "And who are the other four with them?"

"I'm not sure," Hawks replied, glaring at the former number 16 hero, "but whoever they are seems to be good friends of Unknown's."

"Can't believe she's a traitor!" Present Mic exclaimed just as Kokoro turned to look at the three children with them. everyone froze at the words spoken from the former hero.

"Izanami, Shinigami, Tsukuyomi, attack." Kokoro ordered, grinning devilishly as the three kids' eyes suddenly lit up, a kind of bloodlust settling within them. After bowing to the three adults, the trio ran into battle, using their new given quirks from the Boss to their advantage.

Shit, All Might thought as he dodged attack after attack from Izanami. This isn't good. Whatever they did to these kids is bad enough, yet these quirks don't seem to fit them. Did they force quirks upon them? But how... He's gone. He's dead.

Whilst he was distracted, Izanami found the perfect opening point. Unfortunately for him, Eraserhead noticed and quickly cut him off. "Pay attention to your surroundings, dumbass," he grunted, eyes straining as he cancelled out his friend's son's quirk. "We don't need you dying here. not at the hands of these children who currently don't have a will of their own."

As Eraserhead continued to focus on Izanami, he noticed the boy struggling against a non-existent force. "Help... us..." After that, he went back under and grew angry, glaring almost animalistically at the underground hero.

"Zuku, if you can hear me, we can help you," Eraserhead started. "Don't you want help? We just need you to fight it, all three of it. I know you can do it, problem child. C'mon, just fight it a little bit harder, buddy." Slowly the animalistic look in Izanami's eyes faded, leaving the look of a broken boy searching for any sign of hope. "That's it, buddy. Just focus on me, okay? You're alright. Here, these will help." Eraserhead handed a pair of noise cancelling headphones to the boy, who immediately put them on.

Hawks landed beside the two, grabbing Izanami and holding him close before flying far enough away from the commotion that he wouldn't be able to hear it clearly. After they had settled down, Izanami carefully pulled off the headphones. "Do you want me to stay?" he murmured softly. Izanami stayed silent, holding onto the pro hero's jacket tightly, knuckles turning white as he did so. "It's alright, I'll stay."

Back in what was practically a war zone at this point, Shinigami and Tsukuyomi were in a similar situation to Izanami. Both of them were trying to break free of the control, both quickly succeeding as they hadn't been under for as long as Izanami had. Present Mic placed a pair of noise cancelling headphones over Shinigami's ears whilst Midnight did the same to Tsukuyomi, holding the little girl in her arms as Kokoro and the other two were arrested by the police.

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