ŧ Chapter 10 ŧ

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Kokoro was beginning to get antsy as they waited for the injection to work. What if it didn't work? Worst yet, what if the heroes finds before it has the chance to work? "Kokoro, relax!" Zabuzu groaned as he leant back against the chair he was sat in. For the past twenty-five minutes Kokoro had been mumbling under her breath about whether or not it would work or whether or not the heroes would find them before it worked. It was really starting to piss him off. "We'll be fine. The injection has about ten minutes left and then we'll be able to utilise them however the fuck we want to until boss needs or wants them."

"I'm surprised you even agreed to this, to be honest, Kokoro," Tenjin mentioned. "Wasn't Inko a close friend of yours? I remember you saying that you grew up with her. Surprised you didn't go ape shit on boss for letting Ankoku kill her."

Sighing, the silverette shrugged. "It had to be done. We got a powerful kid soon to be under our control, as well as a useful second." Tenjin hummed as Zabuzu nodded in agreement. "Besides, we'll use them against the heroes. I doubt they'd want to hurt the kids, even if they fight against them."

"They're heroes, they refuse to fight unless absolutely needed," Tenjin pointed out with a sigh. "Well, they use to. I guess things have changed since the days of the old, huh? People will attack whoever is needed to finish a job. Just look at Ankoku for example. They were more than ready to attack Inko when asked to by boss."

Zabuzu nodded. "Speaking of boss, has he got that brat working for hm yet? Or is he still in his rebellious phase?"

"Who, Raki?" Kokoro tilted her head, thinking. "Yeah, no. pretty sure he's still rebelling. I mean, the kid can barely hold his own against Hoka, and the guy goes easy on everyone. Hate to put Raki up against Ankoku or Kasai." The others hummed as three groans could be heard. Kokoro grinned, looking at the two teenagers and the eleven-year-old on the bed as they began to sit up. "Is it done?"

"Possibly," Zabuzu replied, moving towards the three kids, and watching them. Taking a deep breathe, he spoke to them directly. "Tsukuyomi, Shinigami, Izanami, stand up." They did, eyes going blank. "It worked... It fucking worked, Kokoro, Tenjin! We finally have the spawn of Inko Shimura and Hisashi Midoriya under our control, along with two lucky seconds!"

Tenjin clapped his hands together, a devilish grin on his face. "Time to inform boss and get them their real quirks, eh?"

Kokoro smiled. "Definitely. Boss is going to be so happy!" Zabuzu hummed, pulling out his phone and messaging 'Boss'.

Z – We've got 'em, Boss. Just need to give them their proper quirks and they're ready
B – Amazing work. I shall be there in a moment

After reading the message their boss had sent to him and relaying it to the others, their boss appeared in the room before them. The trio, out of respect, bowed to the man, getting down on one knee, holding a hand to their hearts and lowering their head. Noticing what the other three were doing, Kairi, Izuku and Denki – or should I say Tsukuyomi, Izanami, and Shinigami – followed suit.

"I'm impressed," he noted, a supposedly surprised look on his face. Or at least what would have been if he actually had a face to begin with. "Now, Tsukuyomi, step forward." The little girl did, bowing her head as the man placed a hand on the girl's forehead and sifted through all his quirks before finally deciding on the perfect one for the young girl. "This will be the perfect quirk for you, my girl: Nightfall." All of a sudden, Tsukuyomi felt everything inside her change as her body was forced to accept this new quirk, as well as allowing it to merge with the quirk she already had – Rainstorm.

"Now, Shinigami, step forward." The blonde did, bowing his head as the man placed a hand on the boy's right shoulder and sifting through all of his quirks before deciding on the perfect one for the boy. "This will be the perfect quirk for you, my boy: Death Bender." All of a sudden, Shinigami felt everything inside him change as his body was forced to accept this new quirk, as well as allowing it to merge with the quirk he already had – Electricity.

"Next. Izanami, step forward." The greenette did just that, and like Shinigami, he bowed his head as the man placed his left hand on the boy's left shoulder. As he situated himself properly, he began to sift through all of his quirks in hopes of finding the perfect one for the greenette. Found it! He thought triumphantly as he zeroed in on the perfect quirk for him. "This will be your quirk, young one: Destruction." It was more difficult for Izanami to receive a quirk as he had never developed one when he was four, so his body was forced to create the quirk gene as his new quirk began to merge with him.

After receiving their new quirks, the children bowed once more to their new 'Boss' just as sirens blared in the boss's head. Growing angry, the man looked towards the window and growled at what he saw. Disgusting, worthless heroes. "Boss?" Zabuzu asked, head titled.

"They're here for the kids," he growled before sighing. "It doesn't matter. They're under our control now. If we lose them to the heroes, we can always get them back. Fight with everything you've got to keep them in our clutches, but the moment one of you are even an inch from death, abandon them. Understood?"

"Understood," the trio replied. Nodding, the boss gave the signal to attack jut as the heroes began to infiltrate the building.

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