ŧ Chapter 08 ŧ

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To: principalnezu@ua.com
From: dtsukauchi@musutafupoliceforce.com

Hello Nezu,

I am ready to inform the reporters of Unknown and Izuku's disappearances. I am just informing the top ten pro heroes now.

Detective Tsukauchi
Musutafu Police Force

To: dtsukauchi@musutafupoliceforce.com
From: principalnezu@ua.com

Hello Tsukauchi,

Wonderful. I will come down to the station in a couple of minutes, just need to inform my staff.

Principal Nezu
UA High School

To: principalnezu@ua.com
From: dtsukauchi@musutafupoliceforce.com

Hello Nezu,

Of course, take your time. I will be waiting for you in my office.

Detective Tsukauchi
Musutafu Police Force

Nezu huffed slightly, glancing at the time before clicking on the 'draft email' button.

To: eraserhead@ua.com midnight@ua.com lunchrush@ua.com cementoss@ua.com presentmic@ua.com powerloader@ua.com ectoplasm@ua.com snipe@ua.com vladking@ua.com hounddog@ua.com recoverygirl@ua.com thirteen@ua.com
From: principalnezu@ua.com

Hello all,

I will be out of office for a few hours. I am doing a press conference with Detective Tsukauchi to address the reporters about Unknown and Izuku Midoriya's disappearances. Detective Tsukauchi is currently informing the pro heroes so you may receive an email from him in a few minutes to alert you.

Until I return, Recovery Girl will be in charge.

Principal Nezu
UA High School

After hitting send, Nezu headed down to the Musutafu Police Station where he met up with Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. After meeting up with said detective, the two headed to the conference room where the meeting would be happening.

"Hello," Tsukauchi greeted the reporters, bowing to them slightly before righting himself, remaining stood up. "We have asked you all to gather here today as we will be releasing two missing person's reports. One for Izuku Midoriya – a student at UA who was last seen October 9th. He was wearing a dark green jumper with a white collared shirt underneath and black trousers and black and white trainers. He also has green eyes and green hair and is a member of Class 1-A – and another for Kokoro Tanaka – the pro hero known as Unknown and was last seen October 11th. She was wearing her hero uniform – a black skinsuit with the knees and thighs open slightly with an off-the-shoulder, long sleeve blue crop top that covers her breast and almost covers her hands with a pair of combat boots. We are unsure as to what caused their disappearances, but pro heroes have been alerted and we are doing all we can to find the young boy and Unknown."

Nezu stood up, bowing his head to the reporters. "We wish for everyone to be on the lookout for these two as returning them safely is our top priority. UA staff and students alike have also been alerted and are on the lookout for either Izuku or Kokoro. If citizens could lookout for these two as well we may stand a better chance at finding them."

The press all nodded, pictures of Izuku Midoriya and Kokoro Tanaka appearing on news feed and screens worldwide. It's unlikely either of them have left the country, seeing as it had only been three days since Kokoro's disappearance, but it wasn't out of the question just yet.

"If you have any news of either of them, please email me - dtsukauchi@musutafupoliceforce.com – or Principal Nezu - principalnezu@ua.com. Again, we ask and thank you for your help." The two bowed before leaving the conference room, minds racing with possibilities. No matter what, we will find you Izuku, and you, Kokoro.

"Hey, okāsan?" Izuku asked as he sat at the table eating breakfast. It had been three weeks since the two had disappeared from everyone. Kokoro hummed, smiling at the boy. "When are we able to go outside?" Kokoro froze, gulping slightly. "Okāsan?"

"Is the garden not enough, ?" she asked, glancing at her 'son' who quickly shook his head.

"No, the garden is perfect, okāsan!" he said quickly. "It's just... I don't have anyone my age to hang out with. I mean, I have oji, but it's not the same. I want to have friends my age, okāsan!"

Kokoro sighed, placing down her utensils before turning to look at the teenager. "Is that really want you want, kohitsuji? A friend your age?" Izuku nodded, refusing to make eye contact with the silverette. "If that's really what you want, ten I'll see what I can do. But if I'm able to do it, think of it as an early birthday present, alright?" Smiling, the teenager nodded and continued to eat, watching as Kokoro left the room to make a call. I'm gonna get a friend!

"Hey, Tenjin? Yeah, I'm gonna need you to do something for me."

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