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 [ WARNING! ] 
This story will have darker themes, like child abuse, substance use, and death. If it is going to be mentioned in that part, it will be stated above as it is here. If you cannot handle these themes, you will not be able to read this story in its entirety. 
(Substance use: Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs) 

Basic information on your character:

You are a child, at the age of 8 years old. (I think you can already tell why this story wont be inappropriate). You live only with your mother. you can decide what happened to your father. I will obviously refer to you as the classic.. "Y/N" standing for "Your Name".  I will refer to your mom as "M/N" standing for "Mothers Name".  I will try to show these as least as I possibly can however.

 Basic information on the Aftons: 
The Crying Child will be referred to as "Evan", reason being is its the closest we have to a canon name for him. I was originally planning to do [REDACTED] each time for his name but I believe you can see why that wasn't a good idea. Crying Child will be 7 years old, turning 8.  
Michael Afton will be the main antagonist in this story. He will be 14 years old, turning 15. 
William Afton will be included as well, obviously. He is in his early 30s.

Information on the side characters: 
Bonnie Masked Bully will be named Marcus. He is 15. 
Chica Masked Bully will be named Cory. He is 14. 
Freddy Masked Bully will be named Thomas. He will also be the "Laughing Kid" we saw in the minigames. He is 13. 
Pigtail Girl will be named Chloe. She is 9.  
the Toy Girl will be named Ollie. She is 6. 
the Balloon kid is named Benjamin. He is 10. 
the kid with the Plushtrap toy will be named Angel. He is 8.
Charlotte Emily is 3 years old. 
Henry Emily is in his early 30s.

1983 || Crying Child  x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt