Chapter 1

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I never actually looked at Peter the way I do now. I mean he's weird and a dork. But all in a good a way. The way his hair is parted so neatly. Or when it's natural. I could stare at his curls for hours.

Miles and miles above the Pacific Ocean. I feel his soft brunette curls upon mine. I wasn't really sure how long until our flight ended. And honestly, I didn't care. Being here with him is all I needed right now.

"Hey ppssttt.... MJ..." whisper/yelled the other dork Ned.
"What Ned?" I said bluntly
"Sooo does this mean I'm the third wheel now? With you and Peter being a thing and everything, I mean I don't actually know if you guys are a thing. I just presumed as you guys shared a kiss and all" ned said fairly quickly. To be completely honest. I had no clue what me and Peter were. I mean yeah we did share a kiss but we haven't actually gotten a chance to talk about it. I don't want to jump to conclusions but considering the fact he's lying on my shoulder the answer should be pretty clear.

There wasn't much long left of the flight and my arm was basically asleep considering the fact Peter was laying on it. Slowly, I moved him off so I could go use the toilet. There wasn't much of a queue so I didn't take long. By the time I got back to my seat, Peter was awake. He gave me a dorky warm smile which made my insides turn. I smiled back and sat down.
"Hey" he said. "Sup" I said rather too quickly.                Seconds that felt like hours passed. He then decided to break the silence. "You we're gone when I woke up"
"Yeah I just popped to the loo" I said with no emotion. "Ah okay" he said awkwardly
"So" he started, " you want to watch something until the plane lands" he said pulling out his headphones. "Um I might just can watch something.." . He slowly put his headphones back into his back and picked up my book. He turned to the page I left at and handed it to me.
"And you did that because?" I said with a chuckle. "Err I don't know" he said rubbing the back of his neck. I then took his hand and locked it with mine. He then put his arm around me. From the corner of my eye, I saw Neds infections smile grow larger. I knew he was happy for us. Even though he was heartbroken from breaking up with Betty.

20 minutes passed and the pilot finally made an announcement. "Good afternoon this is your captain speaking. We are preparing to land and will be in lovely Queens very shortly. Please ensure you have all your belongings and your tray table in-front of you is stored away. Please put all electronic devices away and any hand held devices you may keep using but must be on flight mode. I hope you have enjoyed your flight with American Airlines and hope you have a great rest of your day! Thank you" .

I lay my head on Peters shoulder until we land. He started playing with my hair making me very sleepy. I decided to close my eyes and before I knew it we landed.

I was still a little sleepy and hadn't walked in a while so held on to Peter until we got off the plane. On the way down I thanked the pilot. I couldn't really say anything about the landing as I wasn't paying attention but I hoped it was a good one.

As we got inside the airport, Mr Harrington was very stressed and was running round like a headless chicken making sure everyone was here. First , we collected all our suitcases then walked over to passport control. After, we just waited 'till our parents came and collected us.

Not long after walking out the exit, I spotted my dad. I quickly said bye to the rest of my classmates and ran over. I didn't have time to say bye to Peter as I was so excited to see my dad. As soon as he saw me he gave me a big hug. I held on tight and felt him rubbing my back. I'm not much of a hugger but my dad gives the best hugs so he's an exception. I felt a presence to the side of me and turned my head to see who it was. Surprise surprise it was Peter! I let go of my dad and gave Peter a smile as warm as a summer day. "I didn't get a chance to say bye" he said blushing. "Oh sorry I ran over here" I said also blushing. We stared at each other all stupid and my dad decided to break the silence by coughing. "Oh right, dad this is my..." I stopped talking as I didn't really know what I was to Peter. But quickly he decided to answer. "Boyfriend" said Peter cheerfully. I turned to smile at him and he put his arm around me. My dad smiled and patted Peter on the shoulder.  I then heard Peters name being called and his aunt was waving at him. He kissed me bye and ran into the distance. My dad was already in the car so I just hopped in. The car ride home was a comfortable silence with light conversation about the trip. Near to my house I got a text:

Hey, hope you got home safe. My aunt was was wondering if you want to come round later? You can bring your dad of course x

Yeah we are nearly home. My dad said we can x

YAYY!! Okay she'll make like party food aha

😂 yeah that'll be fine x

Alr see you then bye xx

Later loser x

I turned my phone off and got out the car. Stretched a Little then walked up to my door. I rang the door bell and could hear my dog coco on the other side. Soon after, my brother opened the door and gave me a joyous hug. I then bent down and picked coco up and let her lick my hand. I missed my family but especially coco.

First chapter yayyy!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to write the next. Please tell me what you think and stay tuned to keep reading!!
Love y'all happy ready
                                             ~ Layla 💕

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