Chapter 13

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Warning: this chapter contains language and violence.

Peters POV:
The first thing I did when I woke up was text Mj. I grabbed my phone and typed out a message. I then put my phone down and turned off my alarm. Once I did that I went into to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.
"Morning" May said from behind me. "Morning May. I thought you would still be sleeping?" I asked her. "I thought so too but your bloody clock woke me up" she said laughing. "Oh sorry about that" I said also laughing. I finished breakfast pretty quickly and went back to my room to get changed. I put on some jeans and a white t-shirt with a blue checkered jacket. I then packed my bag and headed back into the kitchen.

"Bye May I'll see you after school" I called putting my shoes on. "Bye hun" she called back. I was walking down the road to the bus stop when I got a text from Ned.

Hey man I'm at school

Your early lol

Ik my mum had to go to work 😩

Alr be there in a bit

I saw the bus coming and put my earphones in. I went into Spotify and clicked on mine and Mj's playlist. I saw she had added more songs and listened to them. When I got off the bus I saw flash? What was he doing here? Have they let him come back to school? I walked passed quickly but he spotted me. "Penis!" He yelled. I turned my head a little. "Did you miss me?" He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Nope definitely didn't miss him. I walked into the school building and into the hallway.

I walked towards my locker and got books I needed. I then walked down to reach Mj's locker. As I turned the corner I got a text from Ned:

Bro where are you I'm outside!

I'm coming calm down

I turned around and walked back outside to meet Ned.

Mj's POV:
The walk to school today was quite peaceful actually. I had one AirPod in and was listening to mine and Peter's playlist on Spotify. I added a few more songs and walked to the beats of the song. When I got to school I went straight to my locker. I put my books away and checked my phone, I then saw a message from Peter:

Hey hope you slept okay after I left. Stay at your locker and I'll come meet you. (When you get to school obviously). Love you ❤️

I chuckled at his message and blushed at the heart. I was about to respond but then heard my locker door suddenly close. I gasped and saw Eva and her friends. "Oh so sorry Michelle, did we scare you" she said. Her friends laughed. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away but got pulled back. "Where you going" she said. "To homeroom,where else?" I said dryly. "Oh why don't you stay and chat with us" she said smiling. It made me cringe. "Nah I'm good" I said. "Oh it's not an option" she said trying to be threatening. I saw her friends circling me and had run out of ideas. I kept my cool. "Let me give you a piece of advice, don't wear such baggy clothing. A boy will never notice a girl not showing skin" she said literally 2 cm away from my face. "Why would I want a boy to notice me" I said a confused. She laughed, "that little nerd isn't it hun. He's legit the lamest boy ever" she said laughing. "And don't even get me started about how ugly he is, oh Michelle you can do sooo much better" she said in a high pitched voice. I gave her a death stare.

"Don't even talk about Peter like that" I said sternly. "Oh yeah or what" she said with a chuckle. "You know what Eva, your rude and the most jealous girl I've met. Your such a pick me and enjoy hurting people feelings for fun. You need to grow up!" I said raising my voice. "Oh I'm sorry Michelle are you in charge round her!" She said louder. She then pushed me into one of her friends. Her friend pushed me into the lockers and slammed the locker door next to me. Was I scared? Nope but definitely didn't have a clue how to get myself out of the current situation. My head started paining because of the push. Eva then grabbed my hair. "Ahh" I said in pain. "Listen her you little bitch. No one talks to me like that! Not even you. You don't deserve anything in life and if I was you I would just k!ll myself" she yelled. I then felt her being pulled off me, "get off her" I heard a voice say.

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