Chapter 10

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TW: this chapter contains conversations on sexual assault and includes a panic attack. If you're triggered by this, move on to the next chapter.

Warning: chapter contains swearing

Mj's POV:
I woke up laying on peters chest. I could hear Ned yelling and Peter telling him to shut up. I kept my eyes closed for a while and just let the conversation around me carry on:
"Dude your so lucky right now" Ned said. "What are you on about?" Peter asked. "Mj dude! C'mon you can't be that stupid" he said. Peter let out a chuckle. "Yeah I'm pretty lucky". "Nah man your super lucky! Having a girl who likes you for you and who is laying on your chest right now" Ned replied enthusiastically. "Yeah Mj's really perfect" Peter said. I got a fuzzy feeling in my stomach and smiled a little "question" ned asked. "Shoot" Peter said. "Do you love her?". Peter stayed silent for a bit. I didn't want to know the answer yet so I moved a bit and opened my eyes. Peter then looked down.

"Heya" he said softly. "Hi" I said cuddling into his chest. "How was your little snooze" he asked with a laugh. "Pretty good" I said putting my hand on his chest. He then ran my fingers through my hair. Damn it made me sleepy. A little bit after, I got a text. I then sat up and so did Peter:

Hey I'm so so sorry for this morning. I'm a little on edge. Are you okay? Come home and we can talk. Love you pumpkin xx

I stared at the text for a while. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to go back home yet. I then felt peters hand intertwine with mine. I put my phone down staring at him and connecting foreheads.

A while later.....

"Hey guys imma have to go. My mum wants me home " Ned called out. "Alright man! See you tomorrow!" Peter called back. We then heard the front door of peters apartment close. We were in the kitchen sitting on the table. Peter was on his phone but placed it down and faced me. He held my hand.
"Listen, i think your the strongest girl I have ever met. But some things need to be spoken about...." God I know where this is going. He continued. ".....I care about you a lot and don't want you hiding these feelings. We need to talk about it Mj". He looked really concerned and dead serious about this. I felt my hands get sweaty so I let go of his. I looked down but looked up again as he started talking. "Hey" he said softly. "You can trust me" he smiled.

I took a deep breath. "It happened all so fast. One second I was sitting waiting for you and Ned and the next flash and Brad were next to me...." I felt myself tear up. But I continued, "....after what flash had done the first time I'd grown to be afraid of him. I felt so scared while everything was happening and all I could do was cry. No one should be treated like that by anyone. And this stuff shouldn't happen in a school!! After it was over I was terrified of being near anyone but you. I knew I felt safe in the arms of you Peter. I'm not sure if I'll get over this but I'm not ready to talk about it with mrs frandwizer. She'll make matters worse and I don't want that to happen" I stopped. Wow I just let expressed how I felt to Peter. He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead. We stayed like that for a while until I got another text.

Hey. Dad said he had a go at you this morning. He had one at me too. I don't know what his problem is. Ned said your at peters. Get him to walk you home. As we all need to talk. Love you

I could feel myself panicking at the text. I really didn't want to have the conversation I just had with Peter with my family. I stared at Peter. He lifted my chin, "hey you need to go home. When everyones asleep text me and I'll pop round. It's not quite dark yet so I can get you home safe" he smiled. "Ok" I said with a sigh. He then got up and gave me a hand. We both put our shoes on and walked hand in hand out the apartment, then outside. It was a nice walk but I was dreading getting closer to my house.

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