Chapter 18

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Mj's POV:
I woke up with the feeling of Peter not there. I sat up and looked at the time. It was 7:07am and I had to get up to be ready for school. I reached for my phone and saw a message from Peter.

Hey so so sorry, May was panicking and worrying about me. I left at like 2am. Hope I didn't wake you. Text me if Jessie can't drop you xx

No worries. Better that she knows your safe xx

After I replied I went to get ready. I put on some black leggings and a purple t-shirt. I then grabbed a black zip up hoodie, that I think was peters, as it was a little chilly outside. I then took my hair down and tucked it behind my ears. I grabbed my bag and took a book out. After all that, I headed to the kitchen.

Jessie's house is very much different to mine and it felt really strange. I couldn't find a bowl for my cereal and stressed over it. I ended up eating a raisin bagel and some orange juice.

The time was now 7:20am. It was a 30 minute drive so I had to leave right now. I heard Jessie come down the stairs so I started to put my shoes on. When she came down she was in her pj bottoms and a dressing gown. She had slipped on some sliders and the only thing she'd done was brush her hair and put light makeup on.
"Morning love you sleep okay?" She asked. "Uh yeah, question why are you dressed like that?" I asked, trying to sound as nice as possible. "Mj honey dropping you off isn't a fashion statement! We need to leave now to get you there on time" she exclaimed. I nodded and headed to the car.

The drive felt quite short as I had my head in a book the whole time. I didn't even realise we were at school until Jessie shook me. I looked up at her, "have a good day" she said smiling. I smiled back and then got out the car. I watched as she drove away. I then made my way into the school building. As I passed a few classrooms i noticed the time and I was like 7 minutes late to homeroom. I sped up and finally walked in.

"Michelle thanks for deciding to show up today" Mr Harrington said sarcastically and waving his arms around. I rolled my eyes and went to sit down. For some odd reason the desks were connected. I went and sat next to Peter. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I said. "Hey Mj" Ned said. I smiled at him. He then turned to talk to Betty on the other side of him. "Sorry for leaving this morning" Peter Then said. "It was just May" he said. "Peter don't worry about it" I said smiling. He nodded, "was the drive okay?" He asked. "I think we'll have to leave earlier to get here on time. Apart from that it was okay" I said. "Yeah understandable" he said. The bell then rang. "What have you got first?" I asked Peter. "English I think. You?" He asked. "Same" I said with a groan. "Okay well I'll see you at lunch, I've got chess at break." He squeezed my hand and stroked it a little. He then walked with Ned out the door.

Cindy came up to me and waited. Halfway out the door I got called back by mr Harrington, "Michelle can I speak with you for a second?". "I'll wait for you" Cindy whispered. I nodded and walked back into the classroom. "Right Michelle I got an email about the events of yesterday and first of all just wanted to make sure your doing all okay?" He started. "Um yeah I'm okay" I said. I mean of course I wasn't okay my family had basically been split up and I witnessed my brother get dragged out my house by police so Mr Harrington must be pretty dumb to ask me that question. "Good good I need you to do a favour for me" he said. "What is it?" I asked. "Well we have a new student. He's gonna be in our class. He's not from round here but don't worry he speaks perfect English. He's from Brooklyn in fact! I've just gotten an email and he has just arrived. His name is Joseph Bently. I was wondering if you'd be able to show him round and kind of be his buddy?" Sir asked. I just said, "sure should I go now?". He nodded. I then walked out the door to meet Cindy.

"Hey what was that about?" she asked. "There's a new student. I have to be his buddy" I said dryly. "How exciting" Cindy said sarcastically. "Where is he?" She asked. "In the office, wanna come with?" I asked her. She nodded and we headed to reception.

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