Chapter 5

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This chapter contains swearing and violence

Peters POV:
The walk to my apartment was pretty enjoyable. Me and Mj walked hand in hand but my hands got a little sweaty so I let go. Ned kept going on about the new game I got and showed me videos about it on his phone. By the time we got to my place, the video Ned was showing me ended. I'm pretty sure he was more excited than me and he dashed up the stairs leaving me and Mj behind.

We were about halfway up the stairs when she pulled me aside. "Hey" she said. "Hi" I said back. "Can I ask you something?" She asked slowly. I felt my heart pounding and body tense. Eventually I said, "sure". "Okay......". There was a moment of silence until she said, "why didn't you tell me about what flash did to you in the morning?". I felt my chest tighten and tried  saying something but nothing came out. I didn't even realise a tear fell from my left eye. I saw Mj face and before I knew it she hugged me. I moved back a little then realised who it was and embraced her. We stayed like like for a while until I got a text from Ned:

Dude where r u. May isn't home and I don't have a key

I quickly texted my reply, wiping my tears from my face.

We are on our way 👍

Alright but hurry I wanna play the game 😭

I laughed at Ned's message and placed my hand into Mj's. She gave me and little nudge and we then kept walking.

When we got to my apartment Ned was on the floor. When he saw us he jumped up as if there was a bug on him. "OMG FINALLY! I thought you guys would never come" he yelled. Me and Mj let out a chuckle and I opened the door, to which Ned then ran in. He went straight to my room and got everything set up. Mj then went to sit in the lounge and I followed. But then getting disturbed as there was a loud bang in my room.
"Ned what was that" I asked a little concerned.
"Ermmmm Peter you may want to come here". At speed at lightning, I ran into my room and saw my TV on the floor. To be honest, it was very old and I thought it would break anyway. "Sorry dude. I guess I got too excited" Ned said with his head in his hands. I sighed before saying, "don't worry about it. It was going to break anyways. We can play the game in the other room". I patted his shoulder then picked up my PS4 with the game.

When we got into the lounge Mj was still sitting there in silence, reading. "So what did you do Ned" Mj asked eyes still on her page. Ned had a face of guilt so I answered. "He dropped my TV. But it was old anyway so it's fine. We are gonna play in here instead". Mj's eyes were now lifted. She rolled them and moved over so I could sit down. Ned sat on the floor in front of us and pressed play.

About 25 minutes later......

Mj's POV:
"Shit" shouted Ned as Peter attacked his player.
"For fuck sake dude that wasn't cool" Peter then yelled as Ned killed his player. Ned gave an evil laugh and carried on the game without him. Peter sat back and pouted. I put my book down and leaned in closer to him. "Aw did you loose" I asked him also pouting. "Shut up" he said rolling his eyes playfully. I moved in closer and laid my head onto his thigh. He then looked down and ran his fingers through my hair. Ned then look over and made a face of disgust.
"Ewwww stop being all romantic". I threw a pillow at him causing him to turn round and focus on his game. I heard a little laugh out of Peter and took his hand into mine. I placed the back of my hand on the stomach with his still connected. He gave me a small smile and then went back to watching Ned play.

A little while later.....

Mj's POV:
Because Peter was running his fingers through my hair I felt my eyes get heavy. I was fighting to keep then open until I couldn't. I closed my eyes and felt myself slowly drifting to sleep.

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