ch 3 Rose POV- getting ready for the ball

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Well there is the annual ball in around five days. This is he first ball I have ever participated in at all. It tends to switch between the four packs and any of the "unimportant" pack members don't get to travel to them. The elders do not believe that it is morally right there stick all of that responsibility on one pack. Honestly I am glad that we do not have to host this every year.
The alpha has continuously had the other omegas and I cleaning. We have had to clean all of the floors of the pack house on our hands and knees. We've had to clean every window and everything glass until it shined, it could not have a dot of dirt or dust. Alpha has put us through strenuous work for most hours of the day.
I get to sleep from 12 am to four am, but that is if I get the okay from the alpha before 11:30 to go to my room. I normally end my work at the other end of the pack house. I have to make sure to be as quiet as possible so i don't attract any y to myself. If i do the pack members are allowed to beat me, but they can not kill me. Anyway back to what I was saying, after the quick, and hopefully quiet back to my room I tend to have to take a shower.
I have never had a warm or ever a hot shower. Bring an Omega rally's sucks. Tonight the alpha did not let me stop working until 12am. Mind you I had been working from 4:30 am to 12am the next morning. After I had finally reached my room it was 12:30. I could either take a shower, and not go to sleep from anywhere between 12:50 and 1:15am. My other option is to change, do my night routine and get to bed around 12:45. I really did not sweat very much today so I
just washed off with a washcloth and some cold water.
As I go to lay down I check the small watch the alpha gave all of the omegas. It says that it is currently 12:46 am. I pray to the moon goddess that I will not be beaten in these next five days and, that I will get out of this hell hole soon.
    There is now only one day to the ball. Yesterday I got a day off of work because I was beaten so bad the day before. I would have gotten today off but with it being the day before the ball it is really important to the alpha that everything becomes perfect. I bet the alpha is going to have us do a shit to. of work. I really hope it will not be a long time. I really need to pick out an outfit and find a way to hide my bruises effectively. The alpha has already threatened me that if anyone realizes I am being mistreated he will kill me. I fuss here is worried that the other packs will notice and question his authority.
    Speaking of the other packs... There will be three of the other packs there. One pack is called Dark-Moon and their alphas name is Emerson. I have heard that he will fight for why he believes in even if it could kill him. On the other hand I have heard he is a ruthless killer. The girls that have seen him say that he is the hottest person ever, and they would kill to be his mate. One of the other packs are called Nightshade, but their old name was Blood-Moon. The alpha of that pack his name is Harry, and his mate is a guy. (We love a gay alpha, periodt) His name is  Luke. They are the first gay couple to run a pack. I really look up to them. They are amazing considering that they get so much hate, but they stay true to themselves. The last pack, is Yellowsun. The alpha's name is Jay. I was born into a pack but I can't remember what it was called because I was so young when it got attacked. After that I was transferred to Yellowsun. The pack was really abusive. I hated living there, it really sucked. I would get kicked, hit, pushed down the stairs in the pack house, and more. That is a little rundown of the three other packs, that i will have to help at the ball. Please, please moon goddess, do not let anything bad happen tomorrow. I mean more like later considering it is 12:55 am.

word count: 792 

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