Ch 1- Rose's backstory

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"Adelaide Rose Hope you better get in here and clean this mess up!!" Yells the alpha of the Midnight pack. Well, I need a better introduction than that. My name is Adelaide Rose Hope. I am a Lycan... I don't know much about what that quite means. My alpha says it means I am weak, and cursed.
Well you must be wondering how I got here. I was not born into the Midnight pack. I was transferred when I was five from the Nightshade pack. I lived with my mother and her mate, also I think I may have had a sibling, I don't remember and have no one to ask. I was really young and even the attack I don't seem to quite remember. It was a hot summer night, and I remember falling asleep starring at the bright, beautiful full moon shine through my window. The next thing I remember is hearing screaming, crying, what I would soon find out was the breaking of bones as one shifted, and something else. I'd also soon find out the other unknown sound was wolves fighting to death.
My mother had gotten separated from her nate and I had gotten a last glimps of my father before he was attacked by rouges. There was something a object or even person that seemed to be in his arms before he gotten attacked. It seemed like he did not survive the attack, but i'm not quite sure. After a long fight of rouges, my mother and I made it out of the pack lands and into a flower feild out in the middle of no where. My mother fell to her knees grasping at her chest and screaming. I had no clue why was going on as I tried to walk over and hug her. Almost three steps away from her, her head snapped up and her wolf's dazzling yellow eyes met mine. They went from a dazzling yellow almost like the sun on a warm sunny day to a dull yellow and eventually turned black. It all happened in a matter of minutes right in front of my eyes. I had no clue what was going on and it scared me watching the life drain from her eyes. The last thing she ever said to me was, "I love you Rose and you too Moon. You will make such a great Luna."
I tried to shake her awake. I was crying, and screaming for help, but no one seemed to hear me. I fell on both of my knees, as I fell it seemed like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I could not hear the pain as I cried, and screamed myself to sleep. Next thing I know I am being lifted up by what seemed to be a kind looking lady. She said her name is Veia. Turns out she is the queen of the Midnight pack. She said that she is the alpha's mother. "Fall back asleep, little girl." She said to me as we walked to what I would find out was the Midnight pack.
When I had woken up, I was in this strange room. Veia seemed to sense that I had woken up and she came into the room. Before she could get a word in I asked, "Why did my mother call me Rose and Moon like I am two different people, and why did she call me a Luna?" "Hold up sweetheart what bloodline did you come from? Also what is your name?" "I am Adaline Rose Hope, and I am a Lycan, but I don't know what exactly that means tho." She looks at me shocked and says, "Do you know anything about werewolfs or Lycans?" "No i don't know I am sorry" "It is very important to know your history. You will learn soon."
Fast forward 12 years, I was lied too. Lycans are very important, and strong werewolfs. I am one of the only known Lycans. Lycans hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch, and more are hightend way more then the average, and even stronger then a werewolf. The bad thing about being a Lycan though is I was put under a curse until I meet my mate. I have not met my mate in the 12 years, I have been in this awful pack. The curse was to protect me from getting killed my rouges by my blood. Rouges love Lycans, because our blood can be used to heal better and faster then a normal werewolf. Lycan blood can heal someone on the verge of death, while werewolves can heal but not that severe.
This pack treated me good in the beginning, but after I did not shift when I hit puberty like most Lycans. They could abuse me, I guess for punishment. I was forced to work in the kitchen around the pack house for hours until the Alpha dismissed me. I did not get paid like the other wolves. The alpha did not care when I told him about the pack being abusive.
This is a backstory of my life. Sometimes I do wish I was just a normal wolf living in the Midnight pack. If only my mother had survived, she would know how to help me. Sometimes I look up to the stars, or into the sunset and imagine they are created by her. Sometimes I even get this slight feeling of comfort, and a hug when I watch the sunset. I really miss my mother. I am just hoping that in the next couple of months, or years to come I will find comfort and happiness in someone, but for now I just have to rely on the sunsets and stars.

word count: 958 words

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