Ch 5 Rose POV- Day of ball

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It is officially the day of the ball. I woke up with a strange feeling. I have this strange feeling that something life altering will happen. I can't quite describe much, because it confuses myself. Even my wolf, moon does not mean quite understand the feeling. Just because I have not shifted does not mean I don't have a wolf. Fun fact I could talk to my wolf, and I also got my wolf when everyone else my age did. When it came to the shifting part tho, I was not able to shift. Personally, I think it is because my wolf has always given me their energy to help heal me, or even give me the plain energy I need to do anything after the beatings.
Enough about moon, for now, of course. so have a lot to get done in these next 18 hours. I have to set up the last of the tables. I have to make sure the chairs are in the proper place, arranged correctly and that their are enough for everyone. I have to clean and make sure everything is cleaned to perfection. Of course I have to eat especially today, so I do not pass out. The last, I mean the last thing I want is to cause unnecessary attention onto myself. Lastly I have to shower, get dressed and do my makeup. I have to look perfect, so people do not ask questions.
I finally got done working at 12:30 pm. I now only have four hours until it starts. Alpha has commanded everyone working the ball to be an hour early for some meeting, and finishing touches. That means I really only have about two hours and thirty minutes. That really is not that long. I took a ten minute shower. I dried my hair off and put it in two french braids upside down leading up to two buns on the top of my head. That took me about thirty minutes. That gives me fifty minutes to do my makeup and get my dress and heels on. My dress is a tight, black dress with silver lines going down both sides. My shoes are black wedges, but it counts as heels in my book. To get those on it took ten minutes, because it took me a while to finally get my dress zipped. That gives me forty minutes to do my makeup. Once I fit the bruised covered up as good, as I could. I only had twenty minutes to do my smokey eye eyeshadow look. That did not take long, maybe seven minutes. I did a cool design with the silver liquid liner. I finished with the eyeliner in seven minutes, because of the cool design. I finished with five minutes to spare. I used that time to set my makeup with spray, and put hairspray in my hair. I have myself thirty minutes to get to the lobby, so I could take my time going down the stairs. I only needed twenty. I get there ten minutes early. Another wolf said I was a slut. Honestly I have never even had my first kiss, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
In my opinion, the meeting was really stupid. Basically, the memo was to not make a scene. If we get caught slacking off, or talking to someone we will be severely punished. Meaning we will be beaten until we are on the verge of death. We are to stay quiet, and serve them fast. If the alpha gets told the name of someone, in a bad way of course, that we will get sent to the cells. They are silver and can burn our skin off. Basically, do not give anyone a reason to be interested in you or want anything know your name. Honestly what is this grade school?!
These drink trays are going to be the death of me, I swear. They are tiny, plastic, black saucers. I literally could snap this at any moment. I have no clue how in the world this will ever hold over one drink, but we will have to carry four at all times. With my luck I will spill them on someone. I would be deathly embarrassed, like I would pass out right there. I really, really hope that it does not happen. I really do not want to go back to the cells. 
    Oh goodness, it is time to start walking around with drinks. I am dying on the inside. There are already so many people. I can tell that there are three alphas counting my own. I have given out eight drinks so far. Even though my face hurts from smiling. I keep smiling.
    I passed out twelve drinks, so I had to get four more. As I started heading back to the bar, I smell the most amazing smell ever. The smell is absolutely mouth watering and intoxicating. After I got the four glasses of wine I started to head back into the crowd of people. I keep smelling that smell. It reminds me of fresh lavender and honey. I know most people would not like the smell but it's knee-weakening. I am walking around tables and dodging people and this is the hardest thing ever. I have to keep my whole right side to keep from dumping the wine so that's what makes it so hard. As i'm walking around I hear someone make a noise that sounded like a scream. It scared me so I started frantically looking around. Turns out someone had their foot out, honestly I can not tell if it was on purpose or not but I trip. Both me and the wine ended up on someone. Their smell is knee-weakening.
    As I fall into this mysterious figure tingles capture my whole body, and so does a rush of wetness to my core. The smell has me in such a haze. I still did not realize I was in his arms and the wine is now on both of us and the glass is on the floor.
    Suddenly my wolf emerges without even a hint of emerging. I look up at him, realizing his wolf has emerged also and he is hot as hell. Both of us at the same time yell "mate!" I then realize he is an alpha. He is also the alpha that all of the girls swoon over. I do not blame them. This is just so overwhelming. The last thing I remember before I get engulfed into darkness, those dazzling midnight black eyes...

word count: 1102

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