Chapter 2- Rikka's Explanations

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       "So Y/n, now that we are alone let me tell you about everyone." Rikka said. "Oh ok." Y/n replied. You sat down on Rikka's bed. "Okay there is a lot of kids here so I'll just explain our group." Rikka said.


       "So we have Kyte, Max and me, Rikka. Kyte would be considered the leader of our group. He's confident, stubborn, and is clearly the leader. He comes up with the plans. We don't think he likes anybody like that here. Emma and Kyte are enemies so that makes our groups not get along so well. He's nice to you if you earn his respect. You did by getting kicked out of your past orphanages. Kyte had also been kicked out of his previous orphanage but only 1." Rikka explained. "Any questions?" "What did he do to get kicked out? And what did Emma do?" Rikka looked away and smiled. "He's gonna have to tell you himself. And for the Emma thing, Emma is very good with following the rules and doesn't like it when someone steps out of line."

       "Next, we have Max. He's only 10 but very useful. If we get into a verbal fight with someone, he usually is the one doing all the talking. He has a smart mouth. We are all pretty sure he likes Gilda. Given that him and Don are not on very good terms. He's chill with you too. Any questions?" Rikka asked. "Yeah, what's wrong with Don... and who is Don?" "Don is a 10 year old who hangs out with Gilda and probably likes her." Rikka explained.

       "Finally, me, Rikka. I'm considered the fighter of our group. If we get into any physical fights, I'll be the one fighting. I mostly fight for Max because Max fights with words but Don fights with his fists." I cut Rikka off. "Has he ever hurt you bad or have you ever hurt him?" "He wish he could hurt me." Rikka said confidently. "I pretty much just put Don in is place. Usually I only throw one punch and he knows not to go any farther. Any questions?" Rikka asked. "Do you like anyone?" "Well I-" Rikka paused and blushed. "That's not important. I might tell you eventually. I better get going now. I'm meeting Max somewhere. Bye bye!" She said with a smile. "Bye"

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