Chapter 5- Go ahead and try

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       I was hanging out with Norman and Ray in a tree when Kyte walked up to me. "Emma I need to talk to you privately." Kyte said looking annoyed. Ray and Norman looked at me. "Fine." I jumped off the tree and looked at Ray and Norman. "I'll be fine." 

       Kyte lead me to another tree not to far from the previous one but to the point where Norman and Ray couldn't hear what we were saying. "So?" "Rikka has noticed you have been around Y/n a lot lately..." Kyte started. "And?" I cut him off. "I don't know what your trying to say but if your trying to get me to ditch her its not gonna work." He glared at me. "Listen here Emma." He started as he walked up closer to me until he was inches away from my face. "You either let her be, or we can make sure she doesn't want anything to do with you." He said with a smile.  "Go ahead and try cause your a bad influence and i'm gonna fix whatever you do to her." His smile disappeared. I smiled and walked away back to meet Norman and Ray. 

       "So?" Norman started. "What did he want?" Ray asked. I climbed back onto the tree. "He told me to back off Y/n or he would have Y/n hate me to make it short."I looked down at the ground. "WHAT!?" They both said in shock and anger. "I think the fuck not!" Ray said with rage on his face. "What did you say?" Norman asked. "I told him to go ahead and try and I'll fix whatever he does to corrupt her." I was on the verge of tears. Norman and Ray walked over to the branch I was sitting on and hugged me on either side. "We won't let that happen." Norman reassured me. "I can go get Y/n right now if you want." Ray offered. "I would like that." I felt a single tear roll down my face.


      I was about to walk inside when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a panting Ray. "You good?" "I'm *inhales* fine. Emma needs you." He kept panting. He looked like he was running. "Okay?" I followed Ray to a tree where Emma and Norman  was sitting in a branch. Emma looked sad. "Emma are you okay?" Emma jumped down from the branch and hugged me. She was whimpering. "What happened?" I looked at Norman and Ray but thy just looked away. I hugged Emma tight. I loosened my grip and she loosened hers. I held her waist and she was crying. I could tell she was trying to hold it back. "Me and Norman are gonna go." Ray said as he and Norman walked away. "Come here." I held her hand and walked over to the base of the tree. I sat down and Emma sat down and laid down on my chest. I stroked her hair. "What happened?" I talked softly. "I-I know I just met you but I'm scared that i'm gonna lose you." Lose me? "Emma, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." "Can we stay like this?" Emma sniffled. "Sure." I smiled. 

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