Chapter 16 - Down The Garden Path

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When last I shared my musings with you, I was in pursuit of more information about Amber's "uncle." You'll remember that I met them accidentally at a restaurant. The man with Amber was introduced as her uncle with great amounts of unasked for information. Psychology 101 tells you that oversharing is a sure sign something is up. I wanted to know what that something was.

You're probably thinking I am wasting too much of my precious time on such a trivial past time. Really? What about people who spend endless hours crocheting doilies, or building ships inside bottles, or elaborate train sets in their basement?  They too take up vast amounts of time and are certainly not widely shared activities. But, and it's a big but, it makes them happy. Ditto for me. I love to follow those bread crumb hints to find out the truth.

I knew that Amber definitely did not want to give out any more information. And strangely no one in the office knows her any better than I do. And I know very little.

So where to look for information? Amber, as the HR person is the keeper of all things personnel so any information about anybody in our office including her would be stored in her office which was locked up tighter than Fort Knox when she wasn't there.

I was sitting at my desk gazing at my cubical wall seeking inspiration when Madeline walked by and poked her head over the top. This was a shocking experience. She rarely leaves her office except to go to the lunch room. What could it mean?

"Hi, there Olivia. How are you today?" she asked in a strange sing song voice.

My spidey senses were jangling.

"Oh, you know the usual. Work, work, work. Got to get our magazine out," I answered in an equally weird voice. What is going on?

"I wondered if you would like to go for a walk at lunch time. You know just a little wander and window shop?"

She might just as well have asked me if I would like to visit the queen. I hesitated just a beat and she jumped in.

"Of course, if you're too busy no problem," her sing song voice had disappeared to be replaced with the flat tone I was more used to.

"Ah, no plans. Sounds like fun."


"All right then, see you at the elevators at noon," and off she walked back to her office.

I sat there for a moment. What just happened?

I really did have plans. They involved my pursuit of information in what I had come to call "The Amber Escapade." Those plans would have to be put on hold for now to be replaced with this intriguing insertion of Madeline.

I kept glancing at my Fitbit only to find time seemed to have stood still. How can it still be 11:00? Finally, the numbers changed and it was time to head off for my adventure with Madeline.

When I arrived at the elevator she was already there. "Here we go," she chimed and pushed the button. As if both us of were from a small south seas island and neither of us had been on an elevator before.

We had a minute or two of awkward silence in the elevator and then thankfully we arrived at the lobby. Madeline strode off in her walking shoes her gingham skirt swishing as she went. I scurried after her. She seemed very single-minded and didn't hesitate to turn right. I finally caught up a little out of breath. For a largish woman Madeline could really move.

"So, any shop in particular you wanted to stop by Madeline," I asked in my breeziest voice.

Madeline came to an abrupt and surprising stop. "No, I actually don't want to window shop I want to talk to you. The office walls have ears and I needed to ask you for some information.

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