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Hongjoong Pov's :

After San explained everything that happened, me and Jongho looked at each other because we only thought of one thing but we wasn't sure yet. So I made a signal to Jongho to be upstairs in my room before I went to my room. I was in my room and waited for Jongho to be here. I was seating at my desk when I heard a knocked on my door and I knew it was Jongho. So I rushed to the door, opening it and drag Jongho inside then closed the door and not forget to locked it cuz we afraid they might eavesdropping our conversation.

"Do you notice something?", I asked with my voice stay low so that they don't hear our conversation.

"Yeah. I don't think so it was Y/n", said Jongho.

"Yeah, me too but if it really does then I don't know what to do", I shrugged.

"Well, there's only one way we could find who she is", said Jongho while looking at me with a smirked.

"What?", I asked.

"Why don't you come along with him when he met her", suggested Jongho and I think about it for a while before I answered it.

"Yeah, you're right. Good idea Jongho!", I exclaimed.

"Of course, I am the best student you know that", he praised himself and I just rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever", I folded my arm across my chest.

"And don't forget to inform me when you already met her", added Jongho again and I just nodded my head.


Meanwhile, at Y/n mansion...

Y/n Pov's :

We all sat in the dining room to ate our dinner together as a family, Yorch and JJ still there. I still stayed quiet and just ate my food. I heard someone putting down utensils and I looked up to see my father was the one who putting down his utensils.

"Since you all was here, I want to make an announcement", said my father and all our attention at him. I knew it! I know what father going to say, I thought and looked at Yorch and JJ who also had the same knowing as me.

"Y/n going to be married and they'll be visiting us maybe tomorrow", informed my father. Everyone doesn't showed any shocked expression except Seonghwa oppa since he's the only one who don't know about it.

"What do you mean ' she's going to be married? '. She's still young pa", begged Seonghwa and I just gave him my weak smiled.

"Yes, she's going to married with him maybe next week or two", said my father and now I was shocked cuz it's too early.

"Just like I said, they'll be visiting us tomorrow so you both doesn't need to attend school tomorrow also if you both Yorch and JJ want to come along then you are allowed", said my father and we all nodded our head.

After he said that, he get off from the chair and went to his office, I guess. My mom also get off from her seat and smiled at me to showed that she can't do anything since it's our father who decide it.

"Yorch, JJ if you guys wanna stay here then it's up to you since your parents are overboard and I'm afraid for letting you both sleeping alone in your mansion", said my mother to Yorch and JJ.

Yorch and JJ parents rare to be at their house or I supposed it to be mansion. Their parents is such workaholics so that's why they rare to be at their mansion with their son. Sometimes, Yorch and JJ would be staying at our mansion when they felt they want too.

"Yes, we would like to stay and plus, Y/n might need some company too", said Yorch to my mom's and mom just nodded her head before she went to her room. Seonghwa who sat beside me, hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry sis that I can't do anything for you. And if the person you're going to be married with hurt you then I'll hurt him for you", he whispered against the crooked of my neck.

"Pfft, even yourself can't handle your own problem", I laughed.

"Just shut up", he said which send Yorch, JJ and I laughed.

"Do you want me to cuddle with you?", added Seonghwa and I looked at him for a while.

"Sure. Why not?", I smirked and he just grinned.

"This is the reason why I love this family", JJ said while faking wipe his tears. Me just laughed at him.

"Stop being dramatic. We're all here are like family to each other", said Yorch to JJ. I just nodded my head.

"But I want to cuddle with Y/n", whined JJ and I just shook my head.

"No way! I'm taking her with me!", said Seonghwa and I just laughed looking at their childish side.

"But I want too!", whined JJ again and I just sighed.

"Fine then you can come too", I told him and get up from the chair after I've done eating and washing my hand and mouth.

"Yay!", exclaimed JJ with excitement.

"Then I slept where?", asked Yorch.

"You can joined, you know it Yorch and plus I have king size bed so it wouldn't be problem for us for sleeping together", I said and gesturing them all to be at my room.

"Yeah, you're right babe", he winked at me and I just smirked at him.

"Hey, hey I know there's something between you two but can you please stop it. You know that I'm still single here", said JJ and Seonghwa just nodded his head. Meanwhile, me and Yorch burst out laughing.

We made our way to my room and get ready with everything. When, I said everything mean night routine. Then we all cuddled on the big king size bed. On my left side was Seonghwa, on my right was JJ then next to JJ was Yorch. I tried to fall asleep but I can't so I just stayed awake. I saw JJ and Seonghwa fast asleep. From what I know JJ just wake up before and now he's sleeping again. What such a fast sleeper.

I thought everyone already slept but I was wrong cuz I saw Yorch get up from the bed and sat at my couch while his eyes closed. I tried to get off from the hold of JJ hands on my waist and almost like a minute, I'm free from his grip. I tiptoed to Yorch who was still had his eyes closed.

"What are you thinking about?", I asked him with a low voiced and take a sit mext to him. He then opened his eyes, looking at me then closed back his eyes.

"Nothing. I'm just wondering that why you had to be married with someone else that you doesn't know or barely know", said Yorch with a sad tone.

"Yeah, you're right. But you know, I just can't protest my father option or else it would be bad", I answered him and he just hummed.

"You gotta take a nap. Tomorrow gonna be a long day, I guess", he get up from the couch and heading to the bed. I just nodded my head.

"Yeah, you're right", I also get up from the couch and went to my bed. Layed in between JJ and Seonghwa who was sleeping peacefully.

"Goodnight, kitty", said Yorch and I just answered him, "Goodnight too", and then I drifted off to sleep.

To be continued ...


Hi! Sorry for the long wait, I guess? But if there any grammar mistake then you can comment some so that I can edit it. Btw, bye and stay safe always!

Date : 01 June 2022

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