Twenty Three

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Previous Chapter...

"Never! Even if I did have a crush on you before, it's doesn't mean that I still have feeling on you cuz I already move on from you", after I said that I free his hand from me and went away leaving him alone there.


San Pov's :

I woke up early today and I felt nervous too for some reason. The thing was I don't know why I felt this way though, is it something good? Or maybe bad too. I did my morning routine then I ate my breakfast alone cuz when I said that I woke up early means it's still early. After I've done that, I drove to school with my nervousness.

I parked my car on the students parking lots. Then I hoped off from my car not forget to turned off the engine and closed everything. I slung my bag on my shoulder then whistling to some tuned. I stopped walking then I turned around and found that Y/n came to school too early too. She walked past me but I stopped her by holding her wrist. She looked at my hand first before she looked at me.

"What do you want?", she asked and tried to wriggle free from my grasp but she can't cuz I held her wrist very strong. To be honest, I don't know what's wrong with me so I basically drag her into abandoned classroom and pinned her against the wall behind her instead of answering her question. I could tell that her breath hitched because of our face only a few inched away but me worse cuz my heart beat faster. As I said, I really don't know what's wrong with me but then I remember about last night at our mansion, I've been fighting with Hongjoong hyung because of Yurin and Y/n.

"What did you do?", I asked and breaking the silent between us. She looked at me and her eyes met mine, I could tell that she confused by my questioned which I found it cute so I just played along and acted cool.

"What?", she asked feeling confused, I can tell.

"Don't what me, you know what I'm asking you", I answered her and she just rolled her eyes at me.

"Well, mister I don't know what are you saying because you basically drag me here and question me that kind of question when actually I don't know what you were actually wanna ask me", she answered me back and push my face away from her. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Don't try to act innocent here, my lady", I said and she just gave me 'I'm really seriously don't know what you're trying to say' looked.

"Who said I'm innocent here?", she asked me. "And when I said I don't know what you're trying to say mean I really don't know so don't keep on asking me to guess it", she answered me again.

"Well, since you ask me to tell you what I'm trying to say is", I paused and leaned forward like before but now it's more closed than before, "You really such slut, huh? First, you bully my girlfriend and second you being a whore to my own best friend", I added and I could tell that she felt hurt but managed to smiled to covered the pain.

"Well, so what? It's none of your business if I'm whoring around your own best friend rather than I'm whoring around you. Which one do you want?", she asked and I just scoffed because of her stubbornness.

"Slut, really don't know their place, huh? I guessed I must teach you a lesson on how to be a good person", I said.

"You wanna teach me to be a good person? I don't think so it's a good choice cuz you yourself also a bad type of person and I think before you teach me to be a good person, you should teach-", her words got cut off by my lips press on her lips. My mind wasn't functioning and I felt confused too by my owned action but I could tell that she felt the same too. I still kissed her and waiting for her to pushed me away but it didn't happened. So I just continued the kissed for god know how long then I pulled away from her. I catched my breath against her neck and I could felt that she felt tensed up of my sudden action.

"Your lips taste good more than what I thought", I whispered and eyeing her but she didn't looked at me instead she looked down like she was fidgeting to said anything. I lifted up her chin to looked at me.

"Why so quiet, my lady? Did cat got your tongue or did I made you speechless?", I asked her and smirked. After I asked her that, she seemed like she came back to her reality and pushed me off her.

"Whatever! I-I going to- wait, why should I told you who I'm going to meet with", she stuttered and tried to ran away but I held her waist and back hugged her. I don't know what's happening right now but hearing her stuttered like that was kinda cute since she always put her cold straight face and hide her true emotion.

"Why are you stuttering? Does I made you fluttered?", I asked and started to purring on her neck. She tensed up but composed herself before being caught.

"Never! Even if I did have a crush on you before, it's doesn't mean that I still have feeling on you cuz I already move on from you", after she said that she free my hand from her and went away leaving me alone there. I felt pang in my heart hearing her moved on from me but what actually is wrong with me?

"She's cute, yeah I admit it", I said to myself and smirked.

I don't know why but I felt something that I never felt before even if I couple with Yurin but I never felt it this way it was kind like something spark or maybe we seem like we're related towards each other like a destiny but I need time to think for this thing carefully before I admit it was real.

Y/n Pov's :

After I ran away from him, I went to the school rooftop and sat down at my usual spot. I was panting heavily and when I calmed down, I touched my lips and replaying the scene before.

"What is wrong with him?", I asked myself and cupped my cheeks with both of my hand.

"Does he try to play with my feeling?", I asked myself again but in the end, I shrugged off the feeling and closed my eyes cuz it felt heavy. Took a little nap, it's not hurt right?, I thought before I drifted off to wonderland.

I felt something poke my cheeks but I ignored it then it stopped but the next thing it really made me opened my eyes.

To be continued ...


Hi! I'm back! Btw, Idk what to say but I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter! And mostly don't forget to vote n comment too! Bye², stay safe y'all!

Date : 14 August 2022

Btw, I wanna say thank you to mirahsyaffz for always voting my story every chapter! You make me feel grateful n made me to kept on continued writing this story even if it's a bit boring.

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