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"Umm...", I scratched the back of my neck feeling a bit shy to answered her questions. "I actually...."


Wooyoung Pov's :

"Umm...", I scratched the back of my neck feeling a bit shy to answered her questions. "I actually....feels like I want to be friends with you. Yes, I know that what I did before was wrong and I don't deserve your sorry after what I did or after what we did in the past. Even if you're not accepting my apologies but can I at least be your friend?" I asked and fidgeting with my finger nervously.

It's okay  if she rejected your request as a friend cuz I still have time to plead her again. No matter what, no matter how my popularity would be cuz at least she be my friend since she doesn't accepted my apologies, I thought and was shocked by Y/n answered which makes my mouth hung open.

"Yes, you can be my friend", she answered and I was so shocked of her sudden answer but not just me, both of her friend too shocked after hearing her answered. She accepted me to be her friend out of them or Hongjoong hyung and Jongho, I thought again.

I smiled before I thanked her, "Thank you. Thank you very much for accepting me being your friend!", I said excitedly while her friend still had that shocked expression on their face.

"Well, there is correction there", she said and I looked at her waiting for her to continued her sentence.

"What?", I asked.

"I said, you can be my stupid ass friend", she answered which I just chuckled.

"Well, I would be glad even if I becoming your stupid ass friend cuz as long as you accepted me being your friend, I would be happy", I answered her honestly and she hummed only.

Y/n Pov's :

"Why are you still want to be with me? Even if you tried to say a millionth or a billionth sorry but still I can't except it", I said as I looked at him and he turned his gazed to me. And he seems like he was daydreaming. What was he thinking about?, I thought.

"Earth to Wooyoung? Are you hearing what I'm asking you?", I asked with my annoyed tone.

"Umm...", he scratched the back of his neck and I can feel that he was feeling a bit shy to answered my questions. "I actually....feels like I want to be friends with you. Yes, I know that what I did before was wrong and I don't deserve your sorry after what I did. Even if you're not accepting my apologies but can at least I be your friend?" he asked and I saw that he was fidgeting with his finger nervously.

"Yes, you can be my friend", I answered and I can see that he was so shocked of my answer but not just him, both JJ and Yorch too shocked of my answer. Even myself didn't know where that answered come from.

He smiled at me before me thanked multiple times, "Thank you. Thank you very much for accepting me being your friend!", he said excitedly while JJ and Yorch still had that shocked expression on their face.

"Well, there is correction there", I said and he looked at me waiting for me to continued my sentence.

"What?", he asked.

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