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San Pov's :

Back to Ateez mansion...

After the discussion about my marriage, we all decided that we should had a movie marathon tonight. So we all sat at the living room. We watched some random movies till my cellphone ringing. I looked at the caller id and it was my dad so I answered it.

Me : "Yes? Why are you calling me right now?". I asked.

Father : "I just want to inform you that tomorrow you'll be meeting your soon to be wife", he said and I just tsked.

Me : "Seriously?! If that's the case then I won't be coming there", I answered him.

Father : "No, you won't. Don't shame us as your parents. It's not like you're going to married her tomorrow but you guys only see each other tomorrow to know each other", explained my father.

Me : "Whatever!", I answered and then I ended the called.

After I've ended the called, all of them looking at me with questioning looked before Hongjoong decided to spoke.

"Is it your father calling you? About what is it?", asked Hongjoong.

"Yeah, it is about my marriage things, you know. And tomorrow he asked me to meet with her", I explained and all of them nodded their head.

"So, what's your answer? I don't think so you want to declined the meeting of your soon to be wife", joked Hongjoong and I just glare at him.

"Yeah, me too. I'm so excited of who's your soon-to-be wife", said Yunho and Mingi just nodded his head.

"Seriously, guys?! It's me going to be married and not you! Why does y'all seem so excited of who's I'm going to married with?", I said and they all looked at me with unreadable expression.

"Well, you know me. If your future wife beautiful then pass her to me", winked Wooyoung at me and I was mad but I don't know why.

"Excuse me! It's my future wife and will be my soon ex-wife", I spat and they all looked at me with blank face.

"Seriously? That's how you treated your future wife? It's not good you know that", said Hongjoong and Yunho just nodded his head.

"Yeah, he's right. We know that this was arranged by your father and you had to accepted it no matter what but can you at least protect girls heart. You should know that they also have feeling even though they didn't have any feeling on you yet", said Yunho and I glare at him.

"You guys are all the same!", I shouted and then stormed off to my bedroom.

Hongjoong Pov's :

"You guys are all the same!", shouted San and then he stormed off to his room. They all looked sad at San harsh behavior cuz sometimes he doesn't know how to take care of someone heart. We all knew that he was in love with Yurin even if we hate her that much cuz we know that she didn't like the girl you always saw when she was in front of San but when San wasn't there, she could be a knife.

"I'll try talked to him", I told them and they just nodded their head.

"Just you know, you can't force him. Since he was moody", said Yunho and I nodded my head before I went to San room's.

I knocked on his door but there's no answer. Then I knocked again and this time he opened his door.

"What do you want hyung?", asked San at me.

"I want to discuss something with you", I answered him. "But before that, may I come in your room?", I asked and he just nodded his head.

After I get in his room, I sat on his couch that was facing his bed and the television.

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