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After I've arrived at my room, I closed the door and plopped down on my bed before I lay my body there. I wrapped the blanket on my body trying to find a warmed then closed my eyes. After that I drifted off to wonderland.


San Pov's :

After we were back from Y/n mansion, me and Hongjoong hyung went back to our mansion. When we arrived there, I plopped down on the couch and felt so exhausted.

"You must be so tired," said Hongjoong hyung and I tilted my head to looked at him.

"Yeah, a bit," I answered and closed my eyes.

"Well, you better be ready," said Hongjoong hyung and took a sit next to me. I opened my eyes and looked at him with blank expression.

"Oh! Don't look at me like that! You should know what I meant," said Hongjoong hyung.

"Yeah, you're right hyung. I almost forget that I'm leaving with those bitches," I said and earning a laughed from Hongjoong hyung.

"Even if we're a bitches but we are all your brother. We must helped each other when we needed," said Hongjoong hyung and I hummed in respond.

"I think we should take a shower," suggested Hongjoong hyung and I nod my head.

"Yeah, you're right hyung," I agreed. I then get up from the couch and made my way towards my bedroom. Then, I went to my bathroom after I took my clothes to wore.

After I've done showering, I then wore my clothes that I picked earlier. I heard a loud noise when I went out from my bathroom. I heard my bedroom door being opened then closed. I turned my body to looked at who was the one enter my bedroom. I saw Wooyoung seating at the edge of my bed looking at me with sheepishly smiled.

"What?," I asked.

"Don't what me, you know why I'm here though," he said and folded his arm over his chest. "So who is she?," he asked again. I felt lumped on my throat when I recall back the memories and doesn't know why I felt guilty.

"It's her," I answered and he looked at me with questioning look.

"Her? Who is her?," He asked. I gulped down my saliva before I answered him.

"It's Y/n. The girl we used to bullied before," I answered and he looked at me with shocked expression before he began to spoke.

"Wait! Don't tell me, she-," said Wooyoung still with his shocked expression but cut off by me.

"Yes, she's the daughter of the president", I cut him off.

"S-so how is she?," he asked and stuttering a bit.

"She's fine and tomorrow she'll be attending at our school," I explained and he looked at me with a guilt expression. "Why are you looking at me like that?," I asked.

"I'm sorry but it just that, if she moved in to our school then it'll be a big problem. You know Yurin was there and plus we are there too," he explained and I just shrugged my shoulder.

"Well, that's not my problem and plus she's not the Y/n that we used to know," I answered.

"What do you mean?", he asked and I just shrugged my shoulder.

"Now get out from my room. I want to take a nap", I shooed him away.

"Okay, okay I get it. Just tell me the truth that you actually want to dream about her," he said and get out from my room before I can smacked him and not forget to closed the door. I heaved a sighed.

"Tomorrow gonna be a loooong day," I said to myself and lay my figure on my bed before I drifted off to wonderland.

Y/n Pov's :

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my ringtone. I grab my phone that was on the nightstand and turned off the alarm then I yawned. I sat up on my bed and adjusting my vision. I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles. Then I remember that I'll be attending new school today along with Yorch and JJ.

I lazily got up from my precious bed then I went to my closet to took out the clothes that I'm going to wear for my first day on the new school. After that, I went to my bathroom and take my morning shower. Then I did my daily routine. After I've done with my daily routine, I went out from my room and come face to face with San. Wait? Why is he in here?, I raised one of my eyebrows.

"I was about to knock but it seem like you already awake", he said breaking the silent between us and I just scoffed before I answered him.

"I thought a bully didn't have any manner but aww how cute, a bad boy have a good side. I'm so proud of my future husband!", I exclaimed with a fake smiled and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Well, I'm a human. Of course I have a manner", he answered me coldly.

"Aww, poor our Sannie becoming a softie boy. I thought that you didn't have any manner because you're heartless", I replied with annoyed tone and he just send me a glare.

"I may be heartless but to a person that I want too, like you", he replied me and emphasis the word 'you'.

"Well, I'm never surprised by it. By the way, why are you here? Wasn't you supposed to be at school right now?", I asked and he looked at me.

"For your information, I'm here because I was asked too and if I wasn't asked to take you to the school, of course I wasn't here bickering with you in the morning", he answered me back.

"Ouch! I felt offended!", I fake cried and put my hand on my chest.

"Stop it. You looked bad being innocent in front of me", he said sarcastically and I snapped my head at him.

"Since when I'm innocent to you? And if you referring to the old me than I'm not like that anymore because right now I'm the new one", I answered him and rolled my eyes. I was about to left but he hold my wrist and I turned to looked at him with questioning look.

"What? Don't look at me like that. I'm just doing this because I don't want they to think us that we were enemy", he answered and started to walked away and he intertwine my hand with his. I was shocked at his sudden action but I had to act as if I didn't mind it at all.

When we reached the dining room, I saw Seonghwa, Yorch and JJ ate their breakfast. I took a sit next to Seonghwa and San took a sit next to me.

After we're done eating, we made our way to the front door. But then I remember something so I tug San shirt and he turned to looked at me.

"Umm..I just want to tell you that we should separated our way before we get to the school gate because I promise the trio that I'll be going with them", I explained and put down my hand.

"Oh, okay if you say so", he answered.

Words count : 1296

To be continued ...


I'm sorry but I had to cut a bit of this chapter and I know it's a long wait. I guess this was a boring chapter for me but I don't know y'all. I just hope that I could wrote more better but I'm running out of idea so I wrote with the word that coming out from my mind. Btw, stay safe y'all.

Date : 18 June 2022

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