Where Do I Start

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Anna's POV

Me and Roman were on our way to the store. How sweet, I'm glade he came sooner. I thought something bad was gonna happen to me. Me and Wade Barrett use to date in the past, when he lived in Florida for FCW.

I meant him when I went jogging then fell and sprain my ankle. But when he got up to WWF or E things went down hill. He would never come see me or girls would up to him and flirt. And one day I found him cheating when we lived together. Ever since then he's been trying to get back with me, or in my pants at least.

"So Anna, tell me something about yourself." Roman said.

I blushed and giggled.

"Well I'm 18 years old, I have three older sister and they are triplets. You already meant Jay."

Roman looked at me and raised his eyebrows .

"You have triples? Oh my god, how bad is it?" He asked.

I laughed.

"Its not that bad, I mean Jay is pretty awesome but the other are she devils." I sigh.

Roman smiled.

"I understand how you feel. I have twin cousins, and they are a hand full." He laughed again.

I smiled.

We pulled up to the store and parked. We got out the car and walked into the store. I grab a basket and looked at him.

"So, what are we getting?" I asked.

He smiled and patted me on the head.

"Just some sea food."

I smiled and jumped up and down.

"Oh my gosh, I love sea food! Can we get some crabs, fish, clams and and....." Roman had cut me off before I could finish.

"We'll get everything, baby girl." He smiled

I blushed.

Turns out that we both wanted Sushi for dinner. And I asked him if he wanted to make steam buns too.

"You know how to make steam buns?" he asked.

I nodded my head.

"Yup, I know how to make anything. I can teach you sometimes if you want." I blushed.

"I would love that, my queen." He smiled

We walked around the store a few more time and finally paid for the food and drinks. In mins we were back at the apartments. He called Dean and Seth down to help but only Seth came.

My Samoan Warrior (Roman Reigns)Where stories live. Discover now