Chapter 8

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September-November 2021 (1st Quarter)
This is the last war for Yiro as he is regaining his trust for Rachel. Rachel made a secret decision to start loving Yiro again but it has to start over again as friends. She then betrays Paulo because she realizes that Yiro was the best man for her. This has led to YirChel's resurgence as lots of fans of Yiro and Rachel on social media started planning a comeback party on graduation. So, Yiro plans to meet Rachel on September 30 to apologize to her for what he has done back in 2018-20. She accepts his apology and goes back to being friends with him again. At least, Yiro has gained his happiness back.

November 2021-January 2022 (2nd Quarter)
Spending Christmas with Rachel will be possible even though Yiro has to face another fight with Paulo in December. He has to fight back if he wants Rachel to be his future girlfriend. He gives Rachel a very nice gift (Roblox gift cards worth 1000 pesos because she's a gamer). In return, she gives him Roblox gift cards worth 5000 pesos (note: her money earned from live streams). Meanwhile, Paulo is planning to steal YirChel's Christmas (he dressed up as the Grinch). But his plan backfired as Yiro's neighbor ambushed him while dressed up as a gingerbread man. Lots of friends enter Yiro's party to spend the rest of 2021 there. Yiro wishes that in 2022, he will restart his relationship with Rachel by starting as friends, then crush in senior high, and lastly boyfriend-girlfriend relationship in college. The rest of the 2nd quarter has gone well but when the semestral break has started, Yiro plans to make a TikTok collab with Rachel and Arya.

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