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Hello humans!
My lovely beloved readers, as you all can see or tell this is clearly not a chapter. There's a few things that need to be addressed to you all.
The current main reason on why there's no update is because I haven't finished the next two chapter yet. I'm quite stressed about it.

I've also been going in and out of hospital for this past month even almost got hospitalised but thank gosh I didn't because of hours of waiting for blood result that haven't come out, I got discharged first. But! That hospital trip just made my pain much worse than it was which was a disaster because I can only lay down all the time. Had a very bad time at school because we obviously need to sit.

I'm also stressed about my studies right now. Had no motivation at home to study or like do/practice questions. I mostly just read now. There's a lot going I guess but I'll see if I can finish the next chapter by this few days... I might be able to post it by the end of the week or next week.

Please look forward to it! I hope that I can update before the second week of the month of June.

Thanks for reading this note. More like a rant though.

Post on : 22/5/31

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