"In the forest" - Chapter one

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That was the playlist that originally inspired this story.

Also listen to "ancient dreams in a modern land-MARINA"

So onto this story!!


PoV: Y/N

It was so cold in the forest..

This was a mistake..

I shouldn't have followed her out to here!

Now she is going to kill me..

Her footsteps were loud on the cold, dried leaves crumbling and cracking underneath her feet and her annoyed and worried groan filled my ears as I covered my mouth and held my breath..

Please don't find me here..


If she finds me I'm dead..


I could hear her swing her arm around, hitting the bloodied blade into the tree I was hiding behind.
I wouldn't be able to hold my breath any longer and if she didn't get further away soon..


I let out a blood curling scream as I rushed to duck and dodge the knife she swung at me.
It was so close that the blood splattered on my cheek.

I chose to run.

She only had a knife! How hard could this be?

I was sure i could outrun her!

But I was wrong.

It was so cold that my legs gave out after a few metres making me fall and roll through the dirt and frost covered leaves, the frozen ground hard underneath my body not softening the fall a single bit.
Out of reflex I rolled over so I could see, just to find that her knife lodged into the ground where my head had just been mere seconds before.

With no time to react she sat on my chest wrapping her hand around my throat and gripping it so tightly that my breathing got cut off.

As i panicked and clawed at her hand with my nails I saw her pull her arm back and saw the shiny knife in her hands.

I reacted instinctively.

As the knife came rushing down slicing through the air I lifted my arm to block it, letting out a strangled scream as the blade got stuck in my arm.

She finally let go of my throat as I managed to dig my nails deep enough into her wrist to draw blood, so as soon as her grip left my throat I took a deep breath and grabbed the closest thing I could find.

I grabbed a broken stick, thick enough to lay nicely in my hand, swung my arm back and just as she ripped the knife out of my arm I hit her head with the broken end of the stick making her scream in pain.
However I only had enough time to take one breath before the knife came flying down again, aimed at my throat.
I stretched out my hand, gritting my teeth to strangle the yell of pain as the blade stabbed through my hand and came out on the other end of it.
I quickly stabbed her hand that was holding the knife with the now bloodied and even more broken stick causing her to let go of the knifes handle.

Out of reflex to protect myself I ripped the knife out of my hand and slammed my hand down digging the blade into her chest while mentally begging the universe to have let me hit her heart.

As she let out a scream of pain I managed to push her off of me and stood up, shaking.

I pulled the knife out of her chest and watched her clutch the wound with her hands as if to try and stop the blood pouring out of the wound.

My gaze wandered down to my hands holding the now even bloodier knife and the blood spread over my hands and my injured arm.

The red liquid shimmering strangely beautiful in the light of the full moon. Such a vivid color..

So bright against the frosty leaves and the cold forests color palette..

The sound of a stick snapping caught my attention.

She had managed to crawl over to me and was now slowly trying to stand up.

I guessed that meant that I didn't hit her heart, then.

With a strange feeling of familiarity I tightened my grip on the knifes handle and noticed the small smile spreading on my lips.

I felt as if the situation unlocked something in my mind.

It wasn't the snapping feeling that is so often depicted in fiction..

It was a strange sense of deja-vu..

It was a feeling of comfort.. of familiarity..

As if I'd done this once already.. or more than once. It felt so familiar to me that I acted almost out of muscle memory as I grapped her wrist just as she tried to stab me with the stick that I just used to gain control over the knife.

The look of pure shock on her face didn't manage to surprise me.

Now looking at what happened made me think of her like an amateur.

"Clearly you have no practice or experience in killing somebody..", my cold voice cut through the air, rough from screaming just moments before.

She stepped back two steps whenever I took one step closer to her.

I could see the exact moment she realised her mistake. She acted out of blind anger and pure stupidity.. and picked out the one person that had experience with the thing she tried to do for the first time.

"Y-You're the one they were looking for! You are Wildcard!!", she whispered, a feeling of panic rising in her chest that I could see as if she was an open book and I was the author.

"But.. But how!? How did nobody find out!? How did you do this and never even showed the slightest sign!?", she outright yelled into my face as I backed her into a tree.

I leant down and whispered: "Because I was forced to forget.. Thank you for helping me to remember, Love.."

The smile on my face grew into a wide smirk as I saw the fear rise to the surface causing her to scream, but before the sounds could leave her mouth I had rammed the blade deep into her throat, cutting through both pipes and causing blood to seep into her airways. The smirk on my lips only grew wider as I ripped the blade sideways, effectively cutting her neck off.. well halfway.. My injuries didn't let me severe the bones but this should do the trick.

I watched as the live drained out of her body while slowly parts of my memory began to creep back. I remembered killing the people that were on the news nine years ago.. and I started to vaguely remember the extent of my killings but most of my memories stayed buried.. as if they were locked away by a heavy lock that I couldn't quite open.. not yet anyways..

But one thing.. One thing I remembered..

The pain.. all the pain..

The pain from being locked up in an asylum for six whole years.. I couldn't even remember everything from that time..

But this one thing was certain: I would get my revenge.


So far this is the introduction part as you can see. I hope you have fun reading this and if you have any suggestions, questions or constructive criticism please comment.

If you don't like it then simply don't read.

I don't accept any hate in my comments though so think twice before being mean or disrespectful in my comments.

Apart from that: Hope y'all have a nice day/evening/night/morning or whatever time you read this at.

Have a cookie on your way and bye bye!!


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