"Introductions" - Chapter Six

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PoV: Y/N

I woke up to the sound of rushed steps across the wooden floors of this room.
For a short moment I was disoriented and confused before my tired mind caught up letting me remember the fact, that I was in the room of that clock girl.
I then also remembered that she mentioned checking all her clocks every morning to see if they still ran correctly.
As soon as I remembered those details I drifted off slightly, until I felt something heavy hit my stomach.

I heard a giggle as well as scolding before whatever hit my stomach got pulled away.
Opening my tired eyes I could only see blurry outlines of two people.
After blinking a few times and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I could recognize the two figures to be none other than the clock girl herself and Sally.

Confusion setting in I slowly heaved myself up and pushed my hair back.

"Wha's goin' on..?" I tiredly slurred before getting interrupted by the need to yawn.

"Sally decided it was a good idea to wake you by throwing herself at you with full speed." clock girl answered my question with an annoyed expression directed at Sally.

"Well Slendy is back and it's breakfast time!" Sallys childish voice rang out, the pout not only visible but audible too.

A groan escaped my mouth as I swang my legs off the bed, pulling them up immediately after due to the cold floor.

"I don't wanna wake up.. Plus i don't even have proper clothes.." I whined, getting back giggles from the two girls.

"Don't worry. Until you have your own closet full of stuff I'm sure you can borrow some of mine and maybe even the others things. especially EJ.. I'm sure he would give you some of his hoodies if you asked him."

Tilting my head I had to think a lot before my tired head managed to produce the memory of her calling blue mask EJ yesterday.

"Oh yeah.. Blue mask guy right? The one that said he knew me and then told that sob story.." i huffed as I finished my sentence. Even now I was still very unsure whether or not I should trust his words so easily.
However.. I ow faintly remembered something..
Blue mask was there too..
I remember sitting in a room that looked half like a normal bedroom but the other half of the room was covered by a huge curtain.
However the curtain was open and the room behind it looked like a doctors room.
I remember us both sitting on his bed and he was taking off his mask.
I couldn't remember what his face under the mask looked like but I remember calling him Jack..

I made a mental note to ask him if that was his name later on while standing up, this time without retracting to the warmth of the sheets.

Sally left to go tell everyone that we would come down in a bit and clock girl pulled me towards the closet.

"What is your name by the way..?" I asked her, my head tilted to the side slightly.

"Clockwork. I thought you heard Toby say my name..?" she asked with a slightly confused undertone in her voice.

"No.. He said 'clocky' if I remember correctly and I'll say the same thing to you as i said to Toby.. If I wanna know your name I'll ask and I will only use your name if you say it, not one of the others."

She looked surprised as i said that but then her eye filled with something that looked like greatfulness.

"Thank you. That is actually really nice to do." she responded with a little smile on her lips. Before I could ask why that would be nice she opened the door to the closet and what I saw made me stare in disbelief.

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