"Company" - Chapter Three

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~You are now at your little hideout, far enough away that you won't get caught but it is only a little make shift shelter in the middle of a forest~


PoV: Y/N

My eyes were fixated on the stars in the snowy sky while I lay on the ground in front of my tiny shelter.
It was not much but it was enough for me, myself and I to get around.

As I watched the snow slowly float to the ground my mind started to wander back in time a lot..
To nine years ago to be exact.
The day that I made one single mistake that led to me getting caught.

The day I lost my freedom for a full six years before finally getting out just to not remember that any of those six years ever happened.

The day that the police caught me and threw me in that fucking asylum for crazy people..

Now don't get me wrong, I know that I am crazy. I know that very well because "regular people" do not kill others for the fun of it. "Regular people" don't go into a weird semi conscious state of blood thirst if they stop killing for to long. "Regular people" don't have fun hearing people cry out for help.

But regular people don't dodge a hatchet that gets thrown at them and they sure as hell don't dodge a bullet either.

If I was a regular person I would have been long dead by now, but I am not a regular person. Not just due to the fact I keep talking to myself no.

Because I do not age.

Because I can move quicker than a regular person.

Because the injuries that that girl inflicted on me are only small scratches by now that are only covered by bandages so I don't scratch at them while they are almost perfectly healed already.

And also because a regular person would have never been locked away in that hell of a place for six long years without even stepping foot outside a single time.

But then again.. they managed to make me forget.. I can feel it even now.. The aching blackness that consumes a huge part of my memories and causes me a headache everytime I try to remember more than I already got back..

It is quiet the problem I must admit. The general concept of everything that happened is back, yet I don't seem to remember any details at all even if I try.

It is highly annoying but all I can do is hope it will get better because who knows how much damage the mass on medication they fed me has caused.

Honestly I should be happy I still manage to think at all.

The sigh that escaped my lips painted the air a smoky white color, reminding me of how cold it currently was.

As I was grabbing the things from that house I should have thought of grabbing warmer clothes as well and not just pretty things and food.

Slowly I hoisted myself up and shuffled over to sit inside my shelter, to avoid getting covered by snow.

It's such a breathtaking thing, snow..

I saw myself reaching out my hand, that was still covered in dried blood and watched the snow slowly fall onto it, creating beautiful patterns, before it melted on my skin.

I couldn't remember for how long I sat there but what I did realize was, that it had gotten extremely dark, causing me to sigh softly once again.

A loud noise caused my head to snap up and look at my surroundings.

Somebody was here.

The noise sounded like a stick snapping in half through being stepped on and as there was no other noises at all it was impossible for it to be an animal.

"Am I going crazy!?" - Creepypasta X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ