"Snow and Blood" - Chapter Two

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Chapter Two. Have Fun!!

~It's a few weeks later, in a wealthy looking house, approximately twenty minutes away from the next city~

PoV: Y/N

The elderly, very rich couple was tied up to the kitchen chairs that I dragged into the living room. They were too scared to even mutter a single word while I searched the rooms for anything that I might have wanted to take with me.

Or maybe it was the fact that I cut out their sons tongue and orderly placed it ontop of his corpse that lay to their feet ever since he screamed causing me to make him shut up. After that it didn't take long for him to die even though that was probably not because of his now missing tongue and more so the fact that I was strangeling him while cutting it out of his mouth.

The important part was that they were quiet and scared.
I could practically smell the stench of their fear in the air, that is how afraid they were.

Ontop of the drawer was a nice glass bowl with lots of expensive and gorgeous jewelry so I did the only logical thing possible and took all of that jewelry and threw it into my bag while giggling to myself.

Once that was done I decided to open drawer after drawer to look for interesting things and whenever something spiked my interest I threw it into my bag, sometimes muttering thoughts to myself.

Especially a nice looking swiss army knife that was seemingly kept in tip top shape as if it was something emotionally important very quickly landed in my possession just like the big metal baseball bat they had, because of their son I guessed.

While i continued my walk through the different rooms I dragged the bat behind myself across the floor, creating a line of blood as I dragged it through the pool of blood that was seeping out of the sons corpse onto the carpet.

As i noticed the trail euphoria shot through my veins and I did a small spinning motion to make an almost perfect circle before dragging a heart outline onto the carpet while letting out giggles in a child-like fashion.

"Please just tell us what you want and you will get everything!"

Anger shot through my veins as the old man dared to open his mouth and speak.

"SHUT UP!!", I shrieked with a very high pitched and breaking voice.
I then walked over to him and grabbed his collar. "I did not allow you to speak, now did I?!"

His widened and fearful eyes got teary as he quickly shook his head to indicate a "no".
A smirk spread on my lips as his face fell pale and his lower lip started trembling.

As then the silent crying of his wife seeped into my ears I even let out soft chuckles, breathless, almost like a breeze so quiet.

The bat made a loud thudding noise as I hit it against his leg, followed by a rather loud and unpleasant sounding crunch, but for me that noise was music to my ears and the picture of him trying to regain his breath without screaming was pure satisfaction to me.

"Now.. Let's see if you love your wife as much as she thinks."

My voice sounded hushed and raspy from yelling at them and over all I only used my voice when talking to myself or my victims so the loud talking was really an unusual thing for my vocal coords.

The words I said rang in the air with a threat so strong that it let the woman stop her crying instantly.

The feeling of power that surged through me made me giggle to myself. This is why I got my nickname..

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