"Memories" - Chapter Five

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PoV: Y/N


The surprised shout of gun man made me flinch but I continued to ignore him completely.

"Is that your name..? Liu..?"
I asked and tilted my head again, watching the person I was talking to pale and nod.

"Yes.. You look familiar.. i think I met you before.. What is your name..?"
He responded and nodded after his initial shock.

"Y/N..." I replied.
My eyes cold and distant as my head filled with that painful blackness while I tried with all my might to figure out how I knew his name.
I didn't find an answer.
Instead I just got a massive headache and was only ripped out of my thoughts as the clock girl came back.

"Here is your guys' soup.." she said before looking up and focusing on her gaze on me with the one eye she had, the clock in her other eye socket softly ticking on.
"So you know Liu from somewhere..? Do you know from where?"

I could only shrug as an answer to her curious tone and stared down at the bowl of hot soup she handed to me. Taking the spoon I softly stirred my soup while tilting my head again.

"No.. I have huge memory blanks from.." Right then and there I was so rudely interrupted by the sound of a heavy door opening and I let out an involuntary chuckle as the guy I somehow remembered as Liu let out another whine, because of the cold wind coming in.
As the huge door was shut we could hear multiple clicks as if the door was locked and the sound of the person kicking off their shoes too.

"That's it.. next time BP says I shouldn't go out I will listen.." a raspy voice rang out as another presumably male stumbled in with a huge backpack that smelled strongly of blood.

"Go and put your disgusting food into your fridge so you don't get the whole mansion to stink. And then come down for soup, EJ.." the clock girl said calmly while she handed gun man his bowl of soup.

"Thanks Clocky.." Toby said as the clock girl gave him his bowl of soup, she just answered him with a smile.

I started eating as the guy left the room, he didn't look up from the floor a single time and went to what I assumed to be the kitchen to do as the clock girl said. The gun man and his friend started to eat their soup too.. well more so drank it as if they were starving but I assume they could move their fingers better than I could, considering the fact that my fingers were a deep blue color from the snow.

I carefully ate my soup and used the bowl to warm my hands slowly while listening to the clock girl and Sally talk while that Liu guy just sat there, staring at me.
After a while the guy from before came back and sat down, refusing to eat any of the soup  and wrapping a blanket around himself.

He wore a blue mask with what looked to be black circles for eyes, black fluids seeping out of his eye sockets similar to tears.

"Who is this guy? And how many people are in this building that I still-.."

"What do you mean who am I?! You know me!! Is it really you Y/N?!" blue mask exclaimed in a weirdly excited but also disbelieving tone, causing me to tilt my head in an inhumane angle immediately.

"Well I can't remember you.. even though your mask looks familiar.. I just don't remember from where.. Nor do I remember who you are.."

"But you remembered Liu's name!" Sally piped up with a tone of pure confusion. "Why do you know them but then you say you don't?"

"Because, child, like I said.. I have huge blank spaces in my memories.. The doctors put them there.." I answered and shrugged before I went back to eating my soup. Half the room seemed very interested in what I said and the other half looked annoyed at the fact that I was getting attention.
Well actually I think gun man and his quiet friend were the only ones that seemed annoyed..

"Am I going crazy!?" - Creepypasta X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon