Chapter 4 (I swear, the music is so relaxing!!)

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For years, I haven't felt something like this.


He looked confused, looking around for an opening to escape. Sumi chuckled at the sight, while I Stared blankly.

"Um...Yoriichi?" I said, walking closer, avoiding eye contact with the girls swarming around him like shitty bees. 

"Oh hello, (Y/n). Where were you and Sumi-san?"

"Restroom ahaha...let's go to somewhere else?" I said, trying my best not to sound upset. He nodded, and I quickly pulled him away. I could feel the girls giving me dirty looks on my back.

I can't be jealous...right?...

"Um...(Y/n)? You okay?" Sumi asked.

"Yes, I am," I lied. Even my tone sounds like I'm pissed and irritated like a child when their mother doesn't buy them candy.

"'re angry. Chill, what in the world happend?-" Sumi suddenly stopped talking. This dipshit...

"You...can't be jea-" I covered her mouth right away before she finishes that sacriligious word.

"(Y/n)? Are you mad?" The confused Yoriichi asked in a curious, innocent tone.

"No, of course not!" I said, with a smile, as a vein popped up on my head.

Seriously, I swear I'm becoming more and more like Shinobu.

"When are you going to stop pulling us?- My wrists hurt like hell, dumbass," Sumi complained.

"Sorryyy," I mockingly but playfully replid, and she rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Just admit that you're jealous," She firmly said, giving me the most evil smirk I've ever seen.

Am I really...jealous? But I've only known Yoriichi for one and half days...I Mean, I've kinda liked him for a few years?? Whatever!

"I know I'm not jealous, and so I will not admit."

"Tch. You're just too scared. Let's go back, the food is probably cold now. And I also don't want more dust in my food," She jokingly said. 

Scared? Yeah, right, Sumi Ackerman. Clean freak. (Dw I love Leshit-I mean, Levi Ackerman. I absolutely adore him)

"Sorry, I shouldn't have talked to the girls," Yoriichi said, and we both gasped.

"W-why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong!" I replid, worrying he might blame himself for something that he thought he did wrong even when he didn't.

"You're mad because of me."

"N-no, I'm not mad, or jealous! Don't worry" I shot Sumi Ackerman a glare.

"You're expression says you were though..." 

"She's fine!" Sumi told him. Oh? The 5 minute bell rang.

"Well, I gotta take him to the office now! Oh, take my lunch for me, thanks! Bye!" I said, grabbing Yoriichi's hand and pulled him to the office.

"I wonder if you're in my class, cus that will br great!" I said, opening the door.

"Oh hello, come on in!" (Principle name) Said, waving at us.

"Good afternoon!" I said, sitting down in the chairs.

"Well, I got his class. Luckily, it's in your class!" My eyes lit up the second she said it.

"Really? Thank you so much!"

"No problem. You should go back to class so you're not late. Also, I've already informed your teacher about it," I bowed 45 degrees, and took him to class.

I sat down in my seat, and wondered where he will be sitting. I looked over, and remembered that my rival seat partner got moved into another class. Hm, so there's an empty seat besides me...perfect!

" gosh...Yoriichi is in our class?!" I heard a bunch of girls sitting behind me squeal. I rolled my eyes at their annoyingness, but then, I suddenly realized something...

There is also an empty seat next to them.

I panicked. He couldn't possibly sit next to my worst enemies...right? I pulled on my hair, and slammed my head real hard onto the desk out of frustration. I felt a bunch of eyes on me, but I didn't care.

Why...Yoriichi. Why...why are you making feel this way? Although I've crushed on you for two years when you're a fictional character, I didn't know that you would one day suddenly come into my life. I've only met you for a day and a half...and I'm here getting jealous over the most stupid and littlest things?!

I truly am pathetic. (NAH LUV YOU ARE PERFECT)

"Miss (L/n)!" I suddenly heard my teacher yell, I immediately sat up.


"Seriously. I called you 2 times already, you need to stop zoneing out in class," 

"I-i apologise."

"Hm. So, please raise your hand. Anyway, Yoriichi, your seat is..." My hopes went up, since he told me to raise my hand, then that means... he wants Yoriichi to know where I am, so he could sit next to me!

I felt as if the whole world was perfect. I've watched enough Chinese Romance shows, it's always when the two main characters sit next to each other!

N-not saying I might be dating Yoriichi or anything...b-but anyways!

I've gotta be the luckiest person to ever be in this world!

First, I found the fictional Yoriichi. I was so blessed to know a perfect character like him, and now, he lives with me, same age as me, handsome, aughh help. And now...he's sitting next to me!!!

As his mouth opened again, I listened with my ears wide open like it never has. Even more carefully, hoping for the right answer I'm craving for. I felt the corner of my lips go up when he spoke.

I'm so gonna smile at this...-

"...the seat behind Miss (L/n)."


916 Words <3

I truly apologise for the short story, and long time for not updating! 

Since it's almost summer, our school are gving us loads of work unlike other schools who are watching movies and shit...I tried writing about a hundred words everyday since the last update, and publish it about today or wednesday.

I'll try my best to make the next chapter juicy, and 2,000+ words <3

Have a good day!

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