Chapter 8

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I opened my mouth to protest, but my lips were trembling badly.

"Pussy.  So it is true?"

"Bitch, you better shut yo-" Sumi began, but Natashit cut her off.

"Oh, you. You're dad cheats and drinks, right?" She said it loudly. 

"Excuse me?" 

"You heard me. Your dad cheats and drinks." Sumi's eyes were furious as if they were about to explode any second.

"Say that again, you're dead." 

"Oh yeah?" Natasha smirked. She waved her arms, and everyone looked at her.

"Guess what? Sumi's dad cheats and drinks~" She said. 

Sumi began to panic and started protesting what Natasha claimed.

"Miss Natasha." The teacher spoke. She rolled her eyes and turned to the teacher.

"Are you aware of what you just said?" 

"Yeah. And?"

"My office. Now." Natasha scoffed and stomped her way out the door, slamming it right behind her.

Everybody whispered to each other, and staring at her.

"Dude, what the fuck is her problem with picking on us?" Sumi said, anger building up inside of her.

"Miss Aso, please use appropriate language during lessons," She groaned.

"Yes sir."

"Anyway. Forget what happend, let's continue the lesson." He turned around to face the blackboard, talking about some h2o shit.

I glaned back at Yoriichi, he seemed sligtly fazed, considering how blank and expressionless he is all the time, it really surprised me.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" He asked, which made me snap out of my thinkings.

"Hm? Oh, yeah." I lied. I am definetly NOT okay from what that Natshit had said. She just said that in front of the whole class and teacher?! At this point I'm not even sure if I'm angry, pissed off, or just wanting to cry.

Maybe all of them together.

"Your eyes doesnt say you are okay..." He mummered. I sighed.

"Maybe you're right. C'mon, let's pay attention. You'll never know if a pop quiz is coming up." I turned around to face the blackboard. 

What...the fuck? Did he really just wrote a whole ass paragraph for us to take notes on? I swear, I only looked away for less then 15 seconds...

Fuck it.

Finally, lunch.

Sumi got into the lunch line first because of 'totally not running in the hallway'. I was kinda down because of what happend earlier during science class, so I wasn't in the mood for running.

It's kinda of weird. Sumi is the type that can forget anything, but never food. She will never forget what lunch each days has, and which table is the most crowded everyday. Just like earlier, she probably forgot everything Natshit said. While myself over here, might not be able to get over those simple cruel sentences for hours, possibly days.

"(Y/n), Yoriichi, here!" She yelled, saving a spot for us in the line. We walked over and thanked her.

"What do we have today?" I asked. 

As if she didn't even think, she answered right away.

"I think Miso soup, rice with salmon and tofo, and maybe juice?" My eyebrows raised.

~Love in Different Timelines~   !Yoriichi x Reader !Where stories live. Discover now