Chapter 1 ~ The real me

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Sophie's POV:

I never thought England would be like this. 

I was expecting a place with lots of sun.

Rain. Rain. Rain. That's all it does.

I cannot wait to go back to Canada. It feels like just yesterday we and by 'we' I mean my mum, dad, my only brother and me got off the plane from Canada, well maybe it actually was yesterday.

So here I am, standing in my new pristine bedroom. It has plain cream walls which will soon be covered in my Star Trek and Star Wars posters.....geeky I know....

I look at myself from my floor-length mirror, my shoulder length brown hair tied back in a bun showing off my bright red streak under my right ear. My hair suits my light brown eyes and compliments my light peachy skin tone (A/N pic of Sophie on the side!) . I am completely comfortable with my body, I am not fat but I'm not skinny either. Maybe people are right, my looks and pesonality does not suit my interests, my favourite subject is maths by the way, incase anyone is wondering...

School starts in about two weeks and I haven't even gotten my uniform yet, really up to date aren't we?

My school is called 'Beatlewell Secondary School' and guess what, the school logo is actually a beatle with some fancy words underneath it. Real original, right?

I really don't want to go, who knows what kind of people there would be.... in my old school, the people were very interestingly weird.

The only person that were normal was my best friend Lucia...well we weren't exactly normal but yeah. Me and Lucia used to judge people by what coloured shoes they were wearing, that's normal.....right?

So I am now unpacking all the cardboard boxes and getting all of my stuff out, a lot of my stuff out. 

After about 15 mins later just unpacking and listening to music, I heard my mum shout from downstairs "Dinners ready! come down right now or the next thing you know it will all be down in your brother's digestive system!" I chuckled at that.

My brother Jake really loved food! If I was even 10 seconds late, both Jake's and my meal will be gone, all thanks to Jake. I love Jake too much to be mad at him. I mean I love food too, well who doesn't?, my policy: 'food will always be a girl's best friend'.

Anyways, I went downstairs to have my dinner which was lying on a plate, thankful that Jake hasn't had it all stuffed in his mouth.

*After 2 weeks*

Still Sophie's POV:

Ugh. First day of school. I guess everyone knows how that feels like.

I quickly got off my bed after 10 mins of just laying there not wanting to leave the warmth of my cozy bed.

My room was still a mess, I couldn't be bothered to clean it all up, just stuffed all my clothes in my closet and piled all the boxes in a corner of my room. I'm very organised.

I did what we do in the morning in the bathroom, changed into my uniform and head downstairs to greet my mum who was making me breakfast, I ate breakfast and headed off for the bus.

I actually quite like uniforms, you wouldn't have to worry about what to wear every day like I did in Canada. My uniform has a white blouse, a red tie, a skirt and a black jumper. I really liked it.

The bus ride was kind of weird with awkward looking guys, and girls who looked like they were just going to school to impress boys with wearing skirts that were too short to be called skirts,  and make-up which made them looked like they just got chased by jokers throwing paint balls on their faces. When I got to school, it was exactly how I imagined it to be by looking at the people on the bus; couples smooching their faces off.

I went straight to the reception to get my time table and meet up with my 'buddy' who showed the new people around but I've already planned on how to ditch whoever it was.I really don't like people who have been forced to be in a friendship with someone. I suddenly bumped into someone. Great, just great, just when I thought my day couldn't get any stupider. I looked up at the person who I bumped into and it turned out to be a guy, he apologised that instant but I decided to be a rebel and ignored him. I gave him a death glare and continued walking, I have to admit that guy was kind of cute though but he was certainly not my type.

I got to the reception and that same guy who I bumped into a few minutes ago was there looking for someone, he looked very shy and nervous about something but i just ignored it because I didn't cared enough to care. The receptionist finally came to the reception asking "Hello, may I help you?" nah, we just came here to say hello, the guy went first and said, "I'm here to see Ms. Pattinson" wait, what? He's here to see her too? There are only two possibilities, he's either a new student or worse..... he's my buddy. 

All these thoughts vanished when Ms. Pattinson walked in, "Hello Sophie, I see you have met Louis, your buddy" my eyes widen and I just stood there staring at her like she was crazy "But you said you would most likely give me a girl buddy!" she just laughed and shook her head "It's nothing to worry about, Louis is a lovely guy, I'm sure you'll get on well with him" she said smiling. I looked up and down at Louis, hmmm not bad, I'll just give it a go. I stick my hand out for him to shake "Nice to meet you, I'm Sophie, Sophie Flowers" I say all James Bond style, he chuckled and shook my hand, "Louis, Louis Tomlinson" he laughed, his laugh was cute but I still didin't like him. Ms. Pattinson gave me my time table and I had Maths first! I don't know why, but I become really happy when I do maths, it's like everything disappears while I'm doing maths, that's the greatest feeling ever.

Louis takes me to our form room which is a British term for 'homeroom' in Canada. We get there and everyone starts wolf-whistling, huh? Did I miss something? I look around to see what's going on and figured they were all wolf-whistling at me.... what? I look at Louis confused and he simply says "Ignore them". I obeyed and looked around for a seat and saw Louis waving over to me, gesturing for me to sit down next to him. There were four other guys and a very pretty girl sitting on the same table as him. Oh this should be good....


Hey Guys!! So this is my first ever story on Wattpad! Me and my best friend got the idea of making a fanfiction whilst we were dying of boredom in our Media class :P So yeah, PLEASE vote, comment, fan/follow. Feel free to comment any advice for us :) and can anyone pllleeeaaassseeee make us a cover for this story? i'll dedicate the next chapter to whoever helps us! <3

A bit too sassy? - Louis TomlinsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora