Chapter 3 ~ Disturb me on your own risk

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Chapter 3 ~

Sophie's POV:

Finally! The bell rang for first period. I had maths! Yay! I get really excited when it comes to maths. Anyways,I gathered my stuff and started to head for the door when someone called out my name, now what?! I turned around to see who it was and it was Liam, "Hey, Sophie, what lesson have you got first?" why does he care? "I've got maths" I said calmly trying to keep a poker face as I didn't want to show my excitement. Hey, if you were excited about maths as much as I was, would you want to show it off to a boy you just met? "What room?" He asks again, "um, hang on a moment, I'll check my time table." I dig through my purse and got out my time table "It says, Miss Cassey, room T04" I said. "Ooh we're in the same maths class! come on I'll take you with me!" He says excitedly and claps his hands, I really don't want to go with him but I didn't know where my class was so I had no choice.

Once we get to our classroom, I hand my old test papers and notebooks to Miss Cassey. She looks sweet and nice, I can make friends with any maths teacher, even if everyone else hates them.

"Hello honey, what's your name?" she smiled at me, "Hi! I'm Sophie! It's really nice to meet you!" I controlled my excitement before I squealed. Is it normal to love something so much they could dedicate their lives to it? Yeah I did kinda do that, I spend my time revising and doing practice exam papers all the time, It's like I'm in a mathematical heaven....

"Nice to meet you too Sophie, please have a seat." I went to the corner where Liam was seated and took a seat next to him seeing as I didn't know anyone else in that class. Everyone in the class was giving me that same annoying looks I was getting the second I stepped into this school, everyone except Liam, he was just smiling at me. He looked like a kid who just found out that candy was invented. I smiled back at him and sat down next to him. He was staring at some algebraic equations with a puzzled expression. By the looks of it,he didn't understand the questions, infact he got all of them wrong! Gasp! I have to show him how to do it now or it will bug me for the rest of the day.

"What'cha got there?" I asked him as simply as I could, "Just some practice papers, which I can't understand, do you?" You have no idea how happy I am right now that you asked for my help! "Uum, let me see, I might know how to do it." I snatch the paper from his hands and looked at the equations "Oh! this is the Pythagorus Theorem, this is so easy! How could you not get this right?" he looked at me as this was almost impossible for me to know all this stuff, psht! Impossible my foot!

"So the basic rule of the Pythagorus Theorom is 'a squared' plus 'b squared' is equaled to 'c squared', note that the 'c' is the longest side of the triangle, so you basically"....

Liam's POV:

She just went on and on and on about the pytha-something theory and I just kept staring at her. She looked even more attractive whilst doing maths! How is it even possible to know so much stuff which probably no one in this class knows! I didn't even understand a word of what she was saying, I just stared at her and the way she tucks her smooth hair behind her pretty little ears with two piercings right at the bottom where ears should be pierced, The way she looks is undescribable! And she isn't the typical girly-girl, she's a rebel, she isn't afraid to do anything, and that's exactly what makes her beautiful. I think I kinda like her....

Sophie's POV:

So I just finished explaining Liam the Pythagoras Theorom, and I can tell by the expression on his face that he didn't get a word of it, "Wow, you're good" he says with an open mouth and wide eyes. Obviously amazed by my maths skills "You didn't get a word of it did you?" I ask laughing at his surprised expression, "No, no I do not" I laugh and I went up to miss and asked her if I could have one of those practise papers and she happily handed it to me saying "I was actually going to give it to you anyways because I wanted to know how much you already know." I took it from her perfect pale feminine hands with the most beautiful french manicure I have ever seen, and went back to my desk doing my assigned work while miss taught the class about 'Standard Forms', this stuff is just too easy for me. I whizzed through the paper and gave it to Liam so that he could look at my answers and copy them down "Just copy them down quickly and I'll explain what I did later" I whispered to him. I don't know why I'm helping him, I don't even like him enough to share my answers but I can and will do anything in the name of maths.

I will admit that he is quite good looking but isn't smart enough to be my type. Liam would have to be 1000 times smarter to be my type and even if he was, I would still have to think about it. He did what I told him to do and focused back on the lesson and I handed my practise paper to miss and waited for her to finish marking . Whilst looking through my test paper her eyes seemed to grow bigger in astonishment page by page.  After checking through my test paper, she handed it back to me and told me that I got every single question right. I knew that I was great at maths but just hearing her say made me feel really proud. 

I went back to my seat and started doing what miss had assigned all of the class to do. While I was in the middle of working, this really tall guy with long bushy hair who looked like he hadn't washed his face in ages and had so many spots it looked like had bees attacked him. "Hey! Are you the new girl that's from Canadia?" I just wanted to punch him in the throat right now, how dare he call it Canadia! I had to keep myself from doing something that could get me suspended, Control yourself Sophie, control I kept repeating that in my mind. I stared at him for about ten seconds and then I said "Are you from Brittainia?" Liam laughed a bit but covered it up with a cough. "What are you talking about? It's called Brittain, not Brittainia, gosh! Humans these days!" He rolls his eyes at me "Exactly how it's Canada, not Canadia, gosh! Humans these days!" I said mocking him, "You don't have to be so rude!" and with that, he gave me that nasty look and walked away, I yelled "Nice talking to you!" Hehehe! I love doing that! "Yo-you shouldn't have done that" Liam says sounding scared "Why not?".......

Liam's POV:

"Why not?" She really doesn't know what she's getting herself into, "Because...." I don't know what to say to her, I just don't want her talking to other guys, I get- I get a bit jealous. "Because...?" she says indicating me to go on. "Because....Because those guys are really dangerous" she laughs her million pounds laugh at that "Oh really? I think I can take care of myself" How do I tell her? I really need to talk to Zayn about that, he's the relationship expert in our group. Just as I thought that, the bell rang, great! Me and Zayn have Biology together next, I can ask him then.....


Hey guys! so this is the third chapter! hope y'all liked it! 

Liam has a crush on her!! awwwww! 


till the next update! ttfn!

love y'all! <3

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