Chapter 5 ~ A great tutoring lesson?

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Chapter 5 ~ A great tutoring lesson?

Sophie’s POV:

It had been 1 whole minute since the bell rang, signalling the end of another annoying school day. I was standing outside main reception waiting for Liam. That boy’s time management was awful!

I kept glancing at the brown, fossil watch wrapped around my wrist… God why does he take so long?! Impatiently, I began to fidget and tap a rhythm with my foot, “All the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies. Now put your hands up!” I sang as I did a ridiculous pose.

“Hello Sophie” Liam suddenly decided to show up at this very inconvenient moment making me jump. It looked like he was trying to supress a smile but failing miserably as he walked towards me. I gave him a glare.

“LIAM JAMES PAYNE YOU ARE 3 MINUTES AND 37 SECONDS LATE!” I said trying to save myself from an awkward moment.

“Oh congratulations! You can count, my Single lady” he gives a smirk oh did he just use sarcasm on me? ME? Liam James Payne just used sarcasm on I, Sophie Flowers, the queen of sarcasm.

I try to come up with a clever response but all of a sudden my mind was blank and all I could say was, “Let’s just get outta here” I really don’t care...

“Okay whatever you say, my Single lady,” he winks at me... Ew! That just creeped the hell out of me.

“Was that meant to be attractive?” I asked.

He stared at me for a moment, then said, “Let’s just go?” But it sounded more like a question.

Yeah, that’s what I thought! I’m guessing I won.

Sophie – 1 | Liam – 0

Liam’s POV:

This conversation was going nowhere so I let her win… partly because I wanted to see her beautiful smile. I’m not creepy at all.

“So, where are we going?” She asked.

“The café maybe?” I suggested. Her nose scrunched up in an adorable way while she thought about it.

“You do realize this isn’t a date right?” she arched up her eyebrows at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I realized that place is for those lovey dovey couples. I quickly thought of a response “Oh no, I just suggested that because it has free internet.”… What the hell am I on about?

“Ugh yeah I seriously need to use the internet since I haven’t used it in so long because of the moving and stuff and we still don’t have any connection yet” she let out a exasperated sigh whilst I just stared at her beautiful features. I’m such a pervert... this is disgraceful. I quickly look away as she stopped rambling about how she will die if she didn’t use any internet. “Hello? Earth to Liam?”

“Huh? What?” I say dumbfounded. I bet that was attractive.

“The café? Tutoring? Remember? Ring any bells?” she waves her frail hands around.

“Oh yeah let’s go single lady” she gives me a glare and I put my hands up in surrender. “Are you?”


“A single lady?” Oh god that was stupid of me now she would think I’m an idiot.

She laughs at my face, great! You just made a fool out of yourself Liam…

“That’s none of your business now is it?” ouch. There was an awkward silence before she turns to me “but if you really must know, I’m in quiet a committed relationship with my bed” she gives me a cheeky grin that makes my breath hitch. I’ll take that as a yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2013 ⏰

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