Chapter 4 ~ What's wrong with you Malik?!

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 Chapter 4 ~

Liam's POV:

After an hour of maths equations and other boring maths things, the bell went. As I was packing away my things, an idea popped up in my head. I know a great way to spend more time with Sophie!  I ran up to catch Sophie who was in the hall looking at her time table. "Hey Sophie, since you are like a maths genius and we have exams coming up, would you mind helping me out a bit? like tutoring lessons?" I crossed my fingers behind me in hope that she would say yes, so that I could spend more time with her, "Sure, why not? When and where?" She says with a huge smile, I sighed in relief "um, maybe after school tomorrow?" She thought about it for a moment before saying "Okay" and nodded.

Now I just needed to talk to Zayn, "Uh, Liam, if you don't mind, could you show me where my Physics lesson is?" She asked "Sure, what room is it?" She looked at her time table "It says, Mr. Daniel, room A11" Oh God! That's Louis' classroom. And it's right opposite mine. "Oh great! That's right opposite mine!"

Sophie's POV:

"Oh great! That's right opposite mine!" He said, voice full of excitement. What is wrong with this dude?! Why does he get so excited every time?! This is getting annoying now. "Yay!" I tried to look excited when I clearly wasn't. I just wanted to get it over with. Physics was not my subject, I mean I like it but I don't really enjoy it that much. I followed Liam to the science block and he showed me to my class. He waved at me and went into his classroom, I waved back. Louis was in my class, great, just great. Well at least I'll have someone I know in this class. I gave my book from my previous school to Mr. Daniel and he smiled at me, and OhMyGod! I have to say he was too handsome to be a Physics teacher, he looked like Ezra from Pretty Little Liars, man I love that show!

"Hello love, you must be the new student, Sophie right?" He asked, "Yup! That's right!" I smiled back at him. "It's lovely to meet you, go and take a seat next to someone you know, and I'll come up and tell you what we're doing in a minute." I scanned the classroom and saw Louis waving at me and smilling like an idiot. I went and sat right next to him. "Lovely to see you again Sophie the beautiful." He says giving me his biggest smile. Was he trying to flirt with me? If he is, he's dong a really bad job of it. I gave him the smile that said, 'I may be smiling but I really want to punch you in the throat right now'. He didn't seem to notice and just smiled back at me. I got out my equipment and Mr. Daniel came up to me and gave me a new notebook to work on, then he went back to his desk to teach the class about 'Radiations'. I raised my hand up for most of the questions and with every right question, I got a sweet!

"You're really good at Physics!" Louis exclaimed. "Why thank you!" I did a failed attempt of a British accent, I know that because Louis couldn't stop laughing at that. I smacked his arm "Ow! What was that for?" He asked fake pouting "For making fun of me!" 

Louis' POV:

Wow, she looks even more attractive doing a British accent which I admit failed horribly. Wait. She just smacked me. She touched me! Holy Christmas nuts! She touched me! no, no, no, no, no, focus Louis focus! I tried to shake the thought of her touching me out of my mind and focus on the lesson. I've never been good at Physics, Maths is my favourite subject, in case anyone was wondering...

I've always loved Maths, I always get flying grades in it. I just hope she loves Maths as much as I do.

"Isn't Mr.Daniel just the cutest!" she squealed. Does she like him or something? Hope not. "Well..." I started, not sure how to respond to that. "I know, I know, 'I'm not gay enough to notice' " she says mocking me. Why is she so cute?! "Well, my mum and dad got together, and you know, and here I am!" Oh God! Did I just say that out loud? "Yes, yes you did." she says, I'm busted! I mentally face palmed myself, "You just mentally face palmed yourself didn't you?" How did she know?! Is she like a psychic or something? "No, it's just that some people have a habit of saying stuff out loud." she says grinning. "Thanks for the compliment though!" I smiled and nodded, what else am I suppose to say, 'oh I know  we don't know each other but I think I'm in love with you', yeah that would totally work.

A bit too sassy? - Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now