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彡 This work is only a product of my imagination. Places, apps, and events are not affiliated with reality. Fiction is fiction.

彡 Images used for visualization are not mine. Credit goes to rightful owners.

彡 Solely written to entertain only, not to influence. Any similarity/ies to other works is purely coincidental. Plagiarism is a crime.

[ ! ] Vulgar words. Flawed characters. Typos and grammar errors. If you are not fond of these, this story is not for you.


READ: Some of you might be an old reader of mine, so hello! I brought this series back with a whole new storyline so expect big changes in the characters, plot and structure of events. However, rest assured, the story's concept and essence will remain.

I apologize for my impulsive instances >< I just couldn't just let this story go with my old plot that was evidently flawed in many aspects.

Feedbacks are highly appreciated! If you have further concerns, feel free to message me here. (◕ᴗ◕✿)

twt & insta : aeirophix

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