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Nov 4 | Sun


Yshalia Blaise
active now

02:21 PM

How are you?

fine lang ! had a lot
of productive weeks hehe

That's great!

Recently, I just found out na
it was your birthday pala last 23

And I feel REALLY BAD like really
bad!!!! Like how could I not know???
For the love of God I know every
details and roots of cat fights and
rumors in school LITERALLY


okay langgg 😭

you've been very busy with
school events so don't blame
yourself! hindi rin naman
ako nagnotify sainyo so 😭😭😭

Sweetheart it's okay!

It's just me, it's my pride
who couldn't really absorb
well how OF ALL THINGS,
birthday mo pa makalimutan ko

Let's just have it this way!!
I'll make it up to you



ako pa nga dapat
ang nahihiya sayo

to be honest, i have no idea
bakit ang bait mo pa rin sakin

hindi naman tayo super close,
we've had some meals
together but it happened
like only thrice ata and
aside from that, i'm not
up to your level

ano i mean... please don't take
this in a bad way !!! t____t
it's not what i meant

it's just that, i'm clueless

okay i refuse to type any
more words because
i definitely suck at
expressing through words ....

Love I understand

I understand how you might feel that way. Society always had this archaic standards that drew a line between social statuses

However it's up to you whether you'll let yourself get beneath or the other way around. It's always about choices and perspectives.

You know, after the whole R-word thing, I was really convinced he's got good taste. Out of all the girls-certainly those who reeked nepotism and high class, he chose you. And swear to all the mighty god and goddesses, I've never been so proud of him!

I sound like a mother right now LMAO but yes sweetheart it's true!!! I saw what he saw in you, though I didn't really suggest myself to perceive it the way he does coz he might disown me if we fell for the same person 😹

Kidding aside, you're a special girl Arielle. And I know, you have your reasons why you have to turn him down.

I couldn't say it's his fault nor yours. I may be miss-knows-it-all, but it only applies to gossips, in-depth stories, yes sometimes! But not so often

So my judgement isn't really welcome here

That's why I'm still here Arielle

You're a very genuine being

Endgame o hindi, I'll always be here.

ysha, i never
thought na

words can touch
immensely like this

i'm really out of words :(
this really brought me
warmth that i don't even
know if i deserve as i
haven't initiated
our closure

Love you!

And I'll definitely make it up for you 😽

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