32. In The Dark

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Taehyung POV

Everything in my life has been at a standstill, these past few months have done nothing but make me wonder if any of this is worth it anymore. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret anything about moving here, I had fun but that could also be due to not remembering anything before moving here. Times with my mom were okay, her drug abuse and constant men joining us for breakfast were what bothered me the most, but she was "grown" as she claimed so I couldn't tell her anything about what to do with her life. To be honest, I didn't let her weigh in on my life so I suppose it was a fair deal, I spent most of my life with everyone else anyway so that didn't bother me. Having y/n show up when she did though, fate certainly does have a way of being cruel and funny. 

My life wasn't exactly easy since being here in Seoul, sure I could get any girl to do what I wanted but they didn't make me feel whole, they only filled the spot that I was uncertain that y/n was supposed to be in. I partied, I drank, I smoked, and I fucked but none of it was going to bring me any comfort or love and I knew that, I just didn't give a fuck. That's how we even met Jackson to begin with, we were going with Namjoon to a party and he and Jackson were pretty fucking tight back then. I don't know how, or when my mother even got tangled with his family, or how she caused his father to fuck up but she did. I didn't care about what my mother did, I preferred it that way since she ripped me from Daegu and from y/n. Sometimes I still get that ache in the back of my head from where I was hit, then other times there's just a black blur. 

I don't know how much longer we can keep dragging out running from Jackson, or when all of this will be over, but looking over to the other side of my bed, watching her sleep so peacefully makes my heart ache. I know y/n didn't want any of this but let her tell the tale she asked for exactly this, to be with me no matter what happened. I love her for that, for always seeing the better in me even when I didn't see it in myself. The clock reads four in the morning, everyone in the house is asleep, but I can't continue to sleep peacefully when I know that I am the one Jackson wants to hurt, so I get out of the bed and get dressed. I know what I must do and no one is going to like it but it's something that I have to do and for once put a stop to this myself. 

I text Jackson, telling him that I wanted to meet, just me and him. Of course I leave the house with my gun, I'm not a total idiot, just in case he tries anything stupid I can protect myself. A black mustang's headlights shine in my face, and the oh so familiar smell of cigars and whiskey emit from the rolled down window. Great, an intoxicated Jackson is way more hostile and hardheaded than a sober one so this conversation may get interesting. His eyes are hooded but I can tell that he's searching me, I guess trying to see if I'm going to just attack him but if he were smart, which I know he is then he knows that I'd never make the first move out in the open, surrounded by nothing but his minions, especially not alone and that thought alone is what makes him smile.

"What brings you over here to my side of town Taetae?" He only uses my name as some sick, twisted joke from when we were close, but I don't see that side of Jackson anymore, it's been replaced by some cold imposter that I hardly even recognize anymore. 

"I'm here to talk Jackson, whatever issue you have with me doesn't need to keep being extended out towards those that I care about anymore."

He chuckled and took another swig of whatever he was drinking. "You mean you don't want me to come after your little strawberry girlfriend right? Your siblings, your little family of Bangtan. That's what you mean right? Don't try to dick around with me like I'm stupid Taehyung. Do I look stupid to you?" 

I shook my head, "Not in the slightest Jackson, not at all." I don't know what game he's playing at but I must keep him as calm as possible before he tries to explode for no reason. The last time anyone ever thought to try him let's just say there was a house fire caused by some 'unknown' sources. We all knew it was Jackson, it had his same scent of cigarettes and bourbon all over it, but can you really accuse Jackson Wang of arson without any proof? No, no you can't. Not without any proof at least and good luck finding that.

"Well, since you came all this way...I suppose I should at least hear you out, or make you a deal I know you can't refuse." 

Making deals with Jackson compared to making deals with the devil, if he dressed nice, participated in orgies and set houses on fire at least. Did I really even have a way to escape? I came into his territory, alone at that, so there wasn't much I could really say when at the snap of his fingers I could be thrown into the trunk of the car and dumped in the Han River. I shudder at the thought and then point my focus back on to Jackson.

"What's the deal?" I hesitate.

"You see, your mother has done quite a bit of damage. She got my father into a lot of shit simply because they're old friends and he'd never leave her behind in the dirt where she sprouted from. He lost respect, contacts, jobs within the whole syndicate. I'm not affected simply because no one would dare try to take my postition from me, but that's not the issue here Taehyung. Your dear, sweet, mother has agreed to let all my father's failures fall on her shoulders except here's the catch."

I don't know what I expected, I'm lying, I expected him to say that she would only cooperate if she could have an excessive amount of drugs to give her a good high. Would you really be surprised if that's what she wanted?

"Your mother would only speak to you about it all."

"I don't know where she is, probably slumming it in some alleyway or with someone else from the syndicate for food and shelter."

Jackson pauses. "Your mother doesn't do the drugs. She's the main connect."

I think he's drunk. "Jackson, did you drink too much? Kim Jiyeon has done drugs ever since her divorce from my father was in place."

"No, are you drunk Taehyung? Kim Jiyeon was only sent in place to act as your mother. Her only job was to watch you and protect you while your father did all of the parenting and care. He wanted your mother to leave all of this 'dangerous' life alone but she refused and remained here in Seoul. I'm sure you remember a little trip you took where you blacked out at such a young age. There's a technique to place you under a deep sleep, more specific parts of your memory are just a little blacked out. You returned home from the procedure perfectly normal and only your parents knew the truth."




Do I believe him? Do I have a reason not to believe him? Did this mean that everything I've been experiencing may not have even been my original feelings? What did this mean about y/n? I'm sure I still felt the same as I did back then but how can I be too sure? I necessarily can't just leave here with this information can I? Fuck, I don't have a choice.

"Even if what you're saying is true, what exactly do you want from me Jackson?"

At that moment I wished I could take those words back. 

"You've just got to get in the car while we take a little road trip. Don't worry, I'll make sure everyone knows you're safe."

"What if I refuse?"

"Well then things become a bit messy. You see your mother won't give away her wherabouts without her son so either way I need you. You can either come willingly...or I can make you. Either way I'm going to speak to Mrs. Kim."

I knew coming here was going to leave me with no choice. Jackson never agrees to meet anyone without some kind of motifve behind it. Run? Fight? Scream? There's not many things I can dp in this situation that won't end badly for him, or for everyone else. I clench my fists so hard that my knuckles turn white, I count backwards from ten and walk around to the passenger door, opening and climbing into the car. 

"Everyone better know that I'm safe and alive Jackson." I grumble as I put the seatbelt across my body. 

"Ah come on now, don't you trust me?" He gives me a wicked smirk before he rolls up his window and takes off speeding down the road. 

All I see next is black. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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