27. 4 O' Clock

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Taehyung had just been able to calm down his breathing and stop shaking. All of this with his mother has really started to take a toll on him, I myself can't even understand what would make a mother turn on her son? Her eldest? The child that she kept with her while she sent his siblings to his grandmother. Was it a control thing? Taehyung always being a momma's boy since he was younger perhaps the fear of losing him as he got older morphed her mind, that and the drug lifestyle.

The time reads three in the morning, I was so lost in my own head that I didn't notice that Taehyung had gotten out of bed. With the arrival of his brother and sister he may be a little shaken up and on guard now more than ever. I leave the bed, grabbing a robe as I do so and head out to look for him, I spot Jungkook as soon as I leave the room.

"Jungkook, what are you doing awake?"

"I couldn't sleep, Jimin and I had gotten into a small fight. Taehyung came to intervene but then they got into it, then he got drunk and went out with Hoseok-hyung. Hyung made it back home, but Jimin didn't."

"Any idea where he may be?"

"He called Taehyungie and told him he was at a park. I saw him rush out of the door fifteen minutes ago. He was really upset."

Okay I feel some relief, Taehyung went to Jimin, he's not getting himself or Jimin hurt.

"You want to see him don't you Jungkook?"

He nods his head. "I do, but Jimin and Taehyung need to fix their issue first, they've been friends for so long Y/N and inseparable honestly. It would hurt if they didn't make up first."

I smile because it's the truth. Taehyung and Jimin have been inseparable lately so it would hurt everyone if they didn't make up first. I can't leave Jungkook to his own thoughts, he was worrying too much. I take him into the living room and we play some games of Overwatch then settle in to watch a movie.

It's nearly four in the morning when the front door opens and Jimin walks in, his eyes locking onto Jungkook immediately who covers his face with kisses and smiles. Taehyung looks drained but that could be because of the time. He looks over to me and before I could even blink I'm embraced by his warmth. 

"Sorry I didn't wake you before I left. It was urgent, Jimin needed me."

I chuckled softly and pat his back. "It's okay, Jungkook told me." I smile and try my best to assure him that I was only worried about him, not mad that he left in the middle of the night.

He releases his hold on me and watches as Jimin and Jungkook reconcile and head upstairs to their bedroom. The smile from his face never fades and I love that about him, his smile. His mother used to smile just like him, boxy and wide. I can't believe the sweet woman I used to call auntie is now a monster that I don't even recognize. Not to mention, the arrival of Eun Jin and Jeong Gyu shook him unexpectedly.

Would it be bad to say that I've missed him? His touch? The way he looks at me while he fucks me, making me his, because I miss that side of him like crazy. Things with Jackson have molded him into someone else.

His hair is longer and dyed black now it reaches his neck making a cute mullet. The way he's standing now is almost orgasmic. He looks over to me and raises an eyebrow.

"Is there something on my face?"

There's something not on your face. "Hm? No I was just looking at you Taehyung."

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