Only I Matter

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I want to thank AshleeMay for the amazing Cover! :D

Girls seemed to move out of my way as I walked down the schools' hallway as if I were some kind of model. Their eyes showing how intimidated they were by me and not wanting to make any sort of eye contact. Of course, those were the frighten and shy girls who never dared getting into any kind of trouble.

There were also the other girls who were the bitchy kind. The ones who didn't care to look me in the eyes and give me their opinion of me. Aha, like if I cared. As I walked down the hallway, those bitchy girls just glared down at me. I was able to see how much fury it caused them to see me walk as like a goddess. Like if I ownd the school. Jealous bitches. They were just jealous of how perfect and beautiful I was. Not even they could compare themselves to me. That's how perfect I was.

"I know I'm gorgeous but don't stare down at me so hard," I commented as I walked pass a group of the schools' whores. Giving them a huge grin. I almost burst out laughing when I saw how one of them bit the inside of their cheek, probably feeling frustrated by me. Also the other two girls were connecting their brows in sign of anger as they crossed their arms. The anger and frustration on their faces gave me satisfaction.

What can I say? I loved the proving to others that I was better than them. Especially proving it to other girls whenever guys checked me out.

I continued walking down the hallway, trying to make it to my locker. Now with the guys' eyes glued on me. Did it bother me? Hell no, I loved all the attention, especially from the guys. It was a great feeling having all those guys admire my body and beauty. The girls who didn't hate me, actually looked up to me. I couldn't blame them, I was perfect.

There were too many guys trying to get my attention but neither was interesting enough. Neither had what I wanted. Besides, some guys were too afraid to get near me, fearing I would rejec them. Their reasons were valid too, I would've rejected them right on the spot.

I finally reached my locker, ugh, I hated my locker. It was too small and boring. Also, it was surrounded by losers.

"Shanelle!" I heard Kelly from far away calling out to me. I sighed as I turn to look at her direction. How stupid did she look running towards me. Like, what the hell was wrong with her? "I'm glad I found you," she finally reached me. "Guess... what!" Kelly said as she tried gasping for air.

'Oh dear, what is it now?' I thought. "What?" I asked with a fake smile. How in the world did I end up becoming friends with her?

I didn't actually have real friends or hung out with people. Honestly, They weren't good enough for me to be around them. People annoyed the fuck out of me. Don't think I was emo or hated the world. It was just that it irritated me how stupid they were. Always thinking they were going to get whatever they wanted without working for it.

On the other hand, I was different from all of them. I knew in order to get through life, you had to show determination and have no limits. Even knock some people down along the way. There had to a loser in order for there to be a winner. In this case, I was always fighting to be the winner. I was smart and calculated my every moment carefully. I was going far but only because I knew how life worked. Having a few tricks up my sleeve and being a great manipulator were my secrets to success. I got what I wanted because I knew how to strive for them.

One of my somewhat smart choices was becoming friends with Kelly in freshman year. She let me copy one of her tests in English class and ever since she had sticked around me. One of the reasons why I let her was because she didn't judge or hate me when she first met me, like the other girls did. Besides, I knew one day she would come in handy. Kelly was the kind of girl who believed anything. She was so naive. In her mind, I was the best of the bestest friends. Haha, if only she knew that I didn't consider her a real friend. I only kept her around because I was used to having her around me.

"My parents bought me a car!" Kelly said in a high sqeaky voice as she jumped up and down excitedly.

My mouth dropped, "What?" I tried making it seem like it were good news as I awkwardly smiled.

"I know right! I was shocked too!" she had a huge grin on her face, showing how fuckin' happy she felt. It wasn't fair! Why did she get a car?! She didn't deserve it, I did.

"That's cool," I slightly smiled. Kelly was so excited that she couldn't notice how my side lip was beginning to twitch because of the rage growing inside of me. I checwed on the inside of my cheek before asking her a question. "What kind of car is it? Don't tell me it's some cheap little car," I chuckled to hide the fact that I actually wanted it to be some junk car.

"Haha, of course not. It's a new black chevy volt," she answered my question, crashing my hopes down. Fuck.

"That's nice," I gave her my best fake smile. "When are you going to give me a ride in it? I hope I'm the first one you take on a ride," I tried pretending like if I actually cared.

Kelly sighed but with a smile, "Of course you'll be the first one, you're my best friend," she then punched my arm slighly. That bitch. How dared she? "Lets take a ride right now, we still have time before classes start," she stated.

"Alright but lets go to McDonalds to get some breakfast," might as well have taken advantage of the situation. Atleast she had a car and was able to drive me to places.


We decided to go through the drive-thru since we didn't have enough time. Kelly pulled into the drive-thru and stopped at the speaker box thing. She spoke into it, ordering me and herself each a cup of coffee and hashbrowns. We then pulled up the the first window to pay. Without even asking me for money, Kelly paid for the both of us. I swear, she's so stupid. I watched as she handed the dollar bills to the cashier and then how the cashier gave her change back.  After putting the change to the side, Kelly drove up the the second window and we waited for the worker to give us out order.

The lady slided the window open and handed Kelly the bag which contained our hashbrowns, Kelly sat it a side then grabbed a cup of coffee from the ladys' hand.

"Here, Shanelle," she instructed me to take the hot cup of coffee. I sighed. As I was about to grab the cup from her hand, a thought crossed my mind. Something I couldn't resis to do.

I reached my hand to take the burning hot coffee from her. I placed my hand on it, with that, Kelly released the cup. That was when the cup fell straight down to her thighs and car seat. "Oh shit!" I acted as if it were an accident.

"Ouch! It burns!" Kelly yelped out as she lifted herself off her seat a bit. "Give me some napkins, please!" she told me as she waved air to her thighs.

"Yeah, sure," you don't know how much I had the erge to laugh. As she asked, I took out some napkins from the bag with out hashbrowns and handed them to her. "Oh no! Look at the seat," I said as I pointed at her seat. Trying to stress her out even more.

"Shoot," of course she would say 'shoot' instead of 'shit'.

"I'm so sorry," I said in a very apologetic tone of voice. Trust me, I was very good at that, an expert.

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault," she said. I told you she was very naive. How can she be so stupid? How could she not be mad at me after dropping the coffee all over her thighs and seat? I would've been furious and would've beated myself up/ Also, would've made myself walk back to school.


We were v\back at school, parked at the schools' parking lot. I was able to see how stressed out Kelly was. Her face shouted 'help me!' haha, nice.

"Shanelle, do you have an extra pair of jeans in your locker?" she asked me as she still tried cleaning off the coffee on her light blue skinny jeans.

"No," I lied. Of course I had an extra pair of jeans but what would have been the point of her jeans looking like crap if no one else were going to see them? The thought of her not having extra jeans made the situation much better. I was very satisfied of how this turned out.

Tell me what you think, please? I really want to know your opinion! :) Please comment, vote and follow? Thank you! xD

Book trailer is to the side ---->

Check it out! :D

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