CH. 3 Starving!

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The soccer try outs made me exhausted and made my feet hurt. All I wanted was to get in my room and take my shoes off. Thankfull that I no longer had my cleats on which were killing me. My mind kept going to my bed which I was already able to feel how comfortable and heavenly it would feel to be in.

As I entered through the front door of my home, my parents called out to me. I sighed 'there go my chances of wanting to jump in bed right away' I thought.

"What?" I groaned as I dropped my bag to the floor.

"Shanelle, pick that up," my mom came walking towards me with her hands on her hips. 'Wow, what a typical mom' I thought. I did as she said without even protesting. Mainly because I didn't have the energy to.

"How were try outs?" My dad asked all the way from the kitchen.

"Great," I said rather in a bored tone of voice as I walked over to him. Even though I was exhausted, my stomach was growling, begging to be fed. "Mom, I'm hungry," I looked over at her as if demanding for her to feed me.

She eyed me, "Make yourself something to eat then," alright, that I didn't like. At all. She was my mom, it was her obligation to feed me. Dinner had to be made for when I got home, especially after a long day.

"No, serve me something to eat," she was crazy if she thought I was going to bother making something myself after try outs.

"Shanelle! Don't speak like that to your mother!" my dad raised his voice at me. Seriously? Why wasn't he yelling at her? She was the one who wasn't doing her job. I was just the daughter who wanted to be fed whenever I was hungry. Why couldn't my parents be like Kelly? She always did what I said.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room," I rolled my eyes as I headed out the kitchen.

"Aren't you going to eat?" my mom questioned me.

"Are you making me something?" I turned around to look her in the eyes.

"No," she said firmly with her hands once again on her hips.

"Then no," I gave her a quick grin as I continued walking out of the kitchen.

Finally I was in my room in where I didn't have to put up with anymore annoying people. My room was my world, it was only me. No one else.

I threw my bag to the side and jumped right into bed, ignoring my stomach which was still growling. Damn, why couldn't my mom have just made me something to eat. Did she want me to starve? Probably, she was just jealous of my nice figure. Wait, that would mean that she would've want me to eat alot right? Either way, she was jealous... not really. Alright I admit it, I got my looks from her. I only said she was jealous of me because I was still upset that she didn't feed me. I know I'm not a little girl anymore but I still wanted my parents to do things for me. I wanted to be treated like a queen which they weren't willing to do. How dared they?

At least I didn't have to put up with them in my room. 'Oh yes... this feels nice' I thought as I tugged myself in bed and closed my eyes. Nothing was better than coming home and getting into bed after having a long tiring day.

"Shanelle! Shanelle! Shanelle!" I was startled by my little sister, Sophie. She was jumping on my bed trying to get me up.

"Wow, Sophie calm down," I held her by her shoulders to stop her. It was a bit diificult since I could tell she was hyper. "Did you drink soda?" I asked her. Soda was like her drug, that was why my parents and I tried not to let her get a hold of much.

"Yes! A lot!" her eyes were wide open and she had a huge grin on her face. Damn, this little creature was hard to control as I continued trying to calm her down.

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